Part 15- undercover part 1

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I was sat down on the ramp leading into the quinjet for half an hour before bucky showed up.

y/n-"you're late."

Bucky-"you're early." he snapped back.

Stepping over me instead of walking around me he placed his bags inside the jet, I pulled myself up and the ramp closed behind me, bucky was flying the jet and I sat in the seat beside him gazing at the view. my leg was bouncing up and down uncontrollably and my hands were gripping the side of my seat until my knuckles were white, I hadn't even noticed but Bucky had, he kept glancing over at me but didnt say anything. That was until the small plant on the 'dash bourd' I guess you could call it, died and turned brown. He turned on auto pilot and put his hand to my thigh stopping it from bouncing, I looked him in the eyes confused.

bucky-"calm down. It's okay, we can pretend to be in love it won't be too hard" I furrowed my brow at him so he continued. "I mean you pretend to hate me so it won't be hard to pretend you love me, maybe you won't even have to pretend." he winked at me. He was trying to get me angry, was this his attempt at revenge for what I did?

y/n-"I won't argue if you dont" I spoke through gritted teeth trying to keep my cool, if I avoid conflict at all cost hopefully this mission will go a lot quicker.

He smirked making my heart jump into my throat.


After an hour of comfortable silence we had arrived, the jet landed in a wooded area not to far from the house we will be living at, we both got changed in our 'costumes', he was in a grey suit with a white top underneath and I had a low-cut white shirt on with a short black pencil skirt. when he saw me his face, contorted? I dont know but it changed to a new expression I'd never seen, I dint know how to read it, what it meant. 

y/n-"you look nice Chris" I smirked at him as I walked towards the wooded area. Did I just flirt? gross get a hold of yourself y/n.

we had instructions that a car would be ready for us at the co ordinates given, bucky followed close behind with a gun in his hand ready, thankfully he didn't have to use it and we got to the car safely. I threw my bags in the trunk which he mimicked, once we both sat in the car we looked at each other noting taking a deep breath.

bucky-"lets do this Adalane" He smirked at me just like I did to him moments ago. I need to just remind myself nothing is real anymore, everything he does is pretend now so stop caring. 

But that's easier said than done.

He began to drive the car and the directions told us we were around 10 minuets away from our destination, the trees on either side of the road began to disappear and a sunflower field emerged on buckys side, without meaning to or even realising I learnt over looking our his window in amazement. So much so my eyes flashed green and small sunflowers began to grown in my wavy hair, I was snapped back to reality by buckys chuckle, I felt his breath on my cheek and immediately sat back in my seat apologising. 

bucky-"you need to get rid of those doll were nearly there" doll. He's already pretending and I'm already stupidly looking into it.

I looked in the car mirror and saw the flowers sprouted throughout my hair quickly removing them with a weave of my hand, I saw a small smirk on his face as he himself looked over at the field. It still baffles me that we have already lived a past life knowing each other, I guess it's best not to dwell on the past and start over, but moments like this where things take us back to a memory that's innocent and un touched by the messes that made us who we are today. it's crazy you know?

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