Part 8- memories to remember

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I've been sitting in the library for hours upon hours and I've found it's given me the opportunity to realise I haven't thought about any memories from my past life, the life where I was y/n/n, the life where I was best friends with Steve and bucky. it's crazy to think I knew them, I mean I know them now but I don't really know them, I used to tease bucky because I secretly liked him, I used to flirt with Steve because I secretly loved him too. I remember feeling so conflicted over who I loved more, I wanted to figure out which one I wanted to date, but I never could because I was convinced bucky hated me and that Steve didn't like me because he'd always leave at the wrong times. "friday? can you ask if Steve and bucky could come to the library" 

"yes mrs y/l/n they are on there way"

Before I new it they came through the doors and sat on the sofa, I was on the floor still in front of where they decided to sit, I hadn't looked at them yet.

Steve-"look y/n I'm so sorry he did that to you-" I cut him off ignoring what he'd said

y/n-"her name was Peggy, I remember when I saw you too speaking, the way you looked at her. that's was the first time I'd ever got my heart broken" I turned my head to look at them both.

"you've had more memories come back?" Steve asked and I nodded. "why did that break your heart?" he continued.

y/n-"because I was in love with you. . . and you." I looked at bucky. he seemed shocked and so did Steve.

"you loved me!" Steve and bucky spoke in perfect unison causing me to laugh. 

my laughing soon turned to crying, "I remember everything" I whispered before continuing."I remember playing football together on the beach, I remember you leaving me at the fair with Bucky because we were arguing like usual, I remember buckys first girlfriend and how I pushed her down the stairs-"

bucky-"I knew it y/n/n! I knew you did it" we all laughed reminiscing on the past.

y/n-"you called me y/n/n?" he just smirked and sat back on the couch, we all sat in comfortable silence for around half an hour before Steve spoke up again.

Steve-"I'm glad your okay y/n/n. please just remember asking for help isn't a sign of weakness." he smiled and left the library, I moved off the floor and sat on the sofa next to bucky. I crossed my legs and sat facing him so he turned to face me as well with a confused look, I placed my hands infant of him as they glowed green growing the head of a large sunflower. once it was finished I placed it in his hands hoping he'd understand what I meant.

when me and bucky were little we went to a sunflower field with Steve that grew near our house's, we would all play there often so when bucky was going off to war he took me there to say goodbye. I remember telling him it wasn't goodbye, so instead we both said we'd see each other in a minute, that was in fact the last time we ever saw each other. 

I saw his eyes become glossy the longer he looked at the sunflower I placed in his hands, he new the meaning, he must be shocked I remember at all but I do, I see everything clearly now. 

bucky-"y/n I need to tell you something, I wanted to tell you back then in the 40s but I didn't and I think it's best I say it now because its been eating me alive everyday of my life. y/n I-"

loki-"y/n! y/n help!" he came running in, I stood up in panic as he hid behind me, which didn't do much as our sizes were very differnt, I barely covered him at all. fury soon came running in with the rest of the team, he was scolding loki with his stare.

y/n-"what did you do?" I asked him

loki-"I killed mr k" I laughed making loki smile happily.

y/n-"you beat me too it!"he wrapped his arms around my waist spinning me around as we both laughed, nat, Wanda and the rest of the team weren't mad either, they wanted to do it just as much as loki but there fear of fury stopped them. speaking of fury he was walking towards the two of us, very quickly, he went to shout when an explosion caused everyone to fly in different directions.

I opened my eyes realising I was stuck under one of the massive bookcases, I groaned and used my powers to move it off of me, I looked around finding everyone, they were all still unconscious but no one looked majorly hurt which was good because I don't have the energy to heal people. just as I'd laid eyes on bucky waking up agents in all black Stormed into the room, buckys eyes opened locking contact with mine before seeing the agents with red lasers pointing all over my body, I raised my hands in the air and spoke to bucky through my mind.

Don't move, pretend your still knocked out

Y/n I'm not letting them hurt you

With that one of the agents yelled hail hydra as everyone pulled their triggers, at the same moments I flew into the air, my body flaring its green beauty, killing the agents one by one just by entering there minds. The only issue I faced with entering so many minds at once is that it hurts like hell, as I did this the avengers gained some type of consciousness seeing the ordeal unfold. as the last agent shot themselves I fell to my knees screaming in pain as my head felt like someone was cutting and slicing at my brain, "is everyone okay" I winced laughing a little. that's when I felt it, a knife pressed against my neck, I noticed everyone quickly stand up running towards me and whoever was holding the knife but once they pressed it harder to my neck drawing blood they all froze.

pierce-"she's hydras property, take anymore steps closer and I'll damage my property" he laughed down my ear causing me to try and escape his grasp which he quickly fixed by injecting something into my neck. I fell into a state of unconsciousness. 

ugh again, what is it with old men and drugging me?


I watched the black widow film, it was amazing!

This was just a fill in chapter, this is gonna be a bit of a slow burn between y/n and bucky, Steve and loki. I wanna show each 'friendship/relationship' before being with Bucky :)

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