Part 9- here we go again

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I woke up to cold water droplets falling on my cheeks, opening my eyes the ceiling was riddled with dirt and moss, a single pipe sticking out of the ceiling dripping its contents over me. my clothes were covered in thick mud like id been dragged, that's when the coldness of the room hit me, although there was no windows it was freezing, my clothes were wet with mud. The temperature alone felt like toucher, I pulled myself off the ground and tried using my powers but it was no use, I searched my body for a reason why and found a thick black band wrapped tightly around my ankle. that explains why the cold feels so much worse, I'm not used to it, nature has always been on my side especially because of my powers, I could alter my body temperature without even thinking about it to keep myself perfectly comfortable at all times. 

someone opened the door on the other side of the room, pierce, he set down my old clothes that I used to wear when hydra least had me, I looked at him confused but grabbed the clothes and began to change. 

pierce-"good to have you back agent" my heart sunk, his voice, he was the one who brought me here. At this point I had my new clothes on and threw my old one at him which smeared mud across his face, he growled in anger before smirking, guards and men in lab coats came rushing in. The guards held me down and tied me to a chair whilst the men in white lab coats prepared tools on a metal tray that I couldn't forget if I tried, I knew what was about to happen, it's happened a million times before. stage one of toucher, cutting me, breaking fingers, ripping my hair, punching me, maybe tasering me if I'm lucky. wow I really do make jokes at the worst times. 

what I don't remember from last time is ever having a camera positioned pointing at me, pierce walked in and sat next to the camera I assume so it just saw the side of his face, he pressed a button and a red light began to flash on the top, it's recording. 

pierce-"what do the avengers know about hydras plan" I stared directly at the camera lens, blinking periodically. "okay" he nodded to one of the guards who pulled out of knife and trailed it down my arms drawing blood, winced and water fell from my eyes but I tried to keep myself composed concentrating on my blinking.

one thing nat taught me, morse code, I dint know it well but enough to spell out single words. 

the video carried on and pierce asked me many questioned but the only noises coming from my mouth were eventually screams, I was left with a Broken nose, black eyes, I couldn't even see my arms past the blood, I'm sure my ribs are Broken as well. it hurts more because im used to healing, the lingering of the pain was unbearable. 

----------------------------avengers p0v-------------------

Pierce dragged y/n's limp body out of the room, we all ran to the door, around the compound, even the security footage in the building. there was no sign of where he had taken her, the cameras went off and back on for when they cam and left, someone must of hacked the security system. everyone sat in the meeting room, well almost everyone, loki paced around yelling at himself and everyone else, Thor argued with his brother but kept himself composed, Tony was busy with nat on the computers looking for anything, anything at all that would give them a clue to where I was. bucky couldn't talk or look at anyone, he kept his cold gaze to the floor internally beating himself to a pulp over the events, Steve was the same, its like they couldn't function without y/n's presence. bruce came into the room with wanda and pietro who just shook there heads at everyone making the room somehow become even more depressing. wanda and pietro had scouted the building and the unconscious agents mind but as they were dead wanda couldn't find much out about anything. 


Tonys phone went off and a long awaited silence filled the room.

"mr stark it seems a video has been sent from a private number." Friday explained.

Tony-"nat track it. Friday play it."

The video begun and y/n's face plastered the screen, everyone re adjusted themselves in there seats, the video played and finished. silence. Tears fell from there eyes, pain cursed there hearts and anger raged in there stomachs, nat was the only one who moved, she stood up and moved closer to the screen.

nat-"replay it."


nat-"replay it!"

The video began to play again and bucky grabbed the remote pausing it right before the first knife went to pierce y/n's skin again, he slammed the remote on the table death staring nat. 

nat-"morse code. she remembered the morse code I taught her! omg she's incredible" a tear fell from nat eyes, the group huddled together as they had to endured the video once again causing some to feel nauseous.  

nat sat with paper and pen dotting and lining in unison to y/n's eyes.

-... . -.. .-. --- --- --                                                      bedroom

... .- ..-. .                                                                       safe

-.-. --- -.. . / ... ..- -. ..-. .-.. --- .-- . .-.                    code sunflower

everyone stared at the paper before running to y/n's room, they ripped it apart looking for a safe, finally Wanda found it behind a picture on the wall and typed in sunflower. it opened and they saw one document in there, Steve grabbed it and opened it as everyone pared over his shoulders reading it with him. It was her file from hydra, it had her progress written down, what they did to her, everything.

loki-"I don't get it why would she give us directions to this"

Pietro grabbed it from Steves hands looking closer before pointing at a name and turning to show them all "because that's where she it, she's at the base they kept her at back then."

Steve-"suit up."

---------------y/n pov------------------------------------

Without a window I don't know how long its been but the pain has been excruciating, dragging on and on and on, I don't know how much more I can take, obviously i've been keeping up my 'I don't Give a fuck' persona but even that is fading away just like the life inside of me. The floor beneath me was a pool of my own blood, I didn't even think my body held this much blood, I swear I was starting to see a white light, was this really the end? nah. 

I don't feel like dying yet, especially without  sleeping with more avengers, I mean Steve was good, really good but you know i'm the type to stick with just one. 

A huge bang pulled me from my thoughts, I assumed it was some heavy toucher equipment coming my way but when I heard the guards running and shouting to get in position I knew nat had figured it out. god I love her. 

i'm fighting with my body trying to find the strength to stand but it was no use, my arms had been to dissected and my legs too bruised, the only thing I had was my voice. I screamed for them, I shouted that i'm here but the commotion from above and around my cell was so loud it drowned my voice out. will they ever find me? what if it's not them, I mean more people must know about my power maybe someone else wants it too, or maybe this is all staged and its just pierce messing with my head trying to give me false hope.

the door to my cell swung open and guards came storming in with pierce leading them, he picked me up cradling me in his arms and I couldn't do anything to protest, I was too weak. all I could see was pierces face looking down art me as he took me, he was smiling as he spoke to me but I couldn't make out what he was saying, it couldn't have been good if he was happy.

His hand reached off my body and to a door, once it opened I could instantly tell how much bigger this room was just by its drop in temperature, he thew me to the floor causing my head to slam on the concrete. I managed to open my eyes and what I saw made my heart dropped, a few metres away, all the avengers, tied up, staring at me, screaming for me. 

My vision blurred and my head span, I couldn't move my body, all I could do was let my consciousness slip away. 

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