Part 22- A beach day from hell

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Waking up the next morning remembering last night perfectly felt shit, I was hoping the alcohol would have hazed my memory but no, I remember it all. On top of me withering in self pity Tony announced we have to all be on the quinjet In half an hour for a beach day... A BEACH DAY! The world could come under immense attack any second and instead of training we are going to the beach, I mean only Tony stark is this stupid, but I'm not complaining, no in fact I need this. I need to put myself out there, maybe even meet a cute guy, I need to let go of the past. look at me being all inspirational, I like zen me. 

I hopped in the shower and put on my bikini, I looked good, I'm talking Natasha on a night out kinda good, and that's good. I through a hoodie and sweatpants over and headed to the jet, I was the first on of course because no one in this place can get anywhere on time which is ironic considering our job is get places on time to save the world and stuff.

Nat and Clint got here a few minuets later, and soon enough everyone was on the jet ready to go, well everyone apart from Bucky. I was at the front of the jet with Pietro messing around with the controls when Tony started throwing a fit.

Tony-"where the hell is metalman" 

nat-"fuck off. That bitch isn't coming, I hate her, wanda hates her, we all hate her!" nats sudden burst of anger made me turn around quickly. Sharron. They walked up the ramp together and everyones mood changed, I thought they broke up because he stopped being a moron and realised what a bitch she is.

Pull it together y/n, it's just one day, I can deal with her for one day right?

sharon-"hey guys I missed you all" This is a beach holiday from hell. Nat turned and whispered the exact same thing in my ear making me burst out laughing, I mean I could barely breath it had to be one of the funniest things that had happened in a while. the sad thing was I wasn't laughing because it was super funny, it was one of those laughs that just stop you from mentally breaking down infant of everyone... you know?

The jet set off and me and Pietro continued messing around with things all around the jet, joking and laughing. This for some reason really annoyed Sharon so of course we both took it up a notch, I quickly looked into her head and saw she was annoyed that I wasn't jealous over her being with bucky which I found hilarious and so did pietro when I told him. 

pietro-"we should pretend we are a couple and see how she reacts" he whispered in my ear.

y/n-"that's the best idea you have ever had." we giggled and sat impationatly waiting for the perfect time to execute our plan, the one thing I loved about pietro is that we could do a prank like this and our friendship would never become awkward or weird, he really was the perfect best friend. "okay we should walk over there and pretend we think they can't see us and then kiss"


y/n-"well its not like she'll ever be away from bucky so I guess we'll have to prank them both"

we smirked at each other knowingly and slowly made our way to the corner of the jet, it was so hard not to laugh when pietros hand slid to my waist as we walked, I eyed bucky quickly and saw he was watching us both intently along with sharon. Before I knew it pietro looked from my eyes to my lips, I slid my hands around his neck pulling his face to mine kissing him passionately, it was so hard for us both to not laugh in this moment.

sharon-"god, she's such a slut" I smiled and leant out of the kiss looking over at her, buckys eyes were death staring the back of Sharons head which was strange I would of thought he'd be death staring me and laugh at her comment.

y/n-"yes. I. Am" me and pietro couldn't hold our laughs in any longer and made our way back in view to the rest of the team.

A little while later we landed on Tonys private beach meaning no paparazzi which was nice, although even if there were paparazzi it wouldn't be me they'd want to speak to so it didn't bother me either way. As soon as the ramp came down I felt the heat of the air outside hit my body, I hadn't been in the sun for 5 seconds and I was already dying to get into the sea, I pulled off my joggers and hoodie exposing my scarred skin for everyone to see. 

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