Part 27- Let the battle begin

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I woke up the next morning to obnoxiously loud people outside my door, I could make out that one of them was Steve but whoever else was out there was a mystery. finally Steve knocked on my door and with the flick of my wrist I was dressed, washed and ready for the day and the door opened revealing pietro, Steve, nat, bucky, Tony and wanda. Nearly the whole gang, how sentimental.

y/n-"what can I do for you?" obvious sarcasm flowing through my words

Steve-"where's Lauren" I stood there with a very confused look on my face "Lauren the new recruit, bucky said you made her disappear" I glared at bucky

y/n-"she's dead. I slaughtered her with my powers, killing her slowly so I could watch in pleasure as the life drained from her eyes" I rolled my eyes being overly sarcastic this time, just incase the captain stick up his ass took me seriously.

nat-"y/n" nat warned, so I put my hands up in defence, smirking at them.

y/n-"she's safe. for now." I said the last bit under my breath but pietro heard me and I saw his eyes widen in fear, I just winked at him placing a finger faintly over my lips to silence him.

~ Later in the day ~

Everyone had gathered outside as a space ship lowered above the building, my breath hitched in fear, it had only just occurred to me that this was all for me, he wants me. I won't let my friends- I won't let the avengers die for me.

The ship began to shoot at the building which me and wanda quickly sent back towards the ship, that's when army's of ugly ass alien creatures appeared on the land ahead of us, I mean we had all of wakandas soldiers, the gardians of the galaxy and-

star lord-"we have an infinity stone we'll be fine"

I glared at him until a voice came from behind me that belong to non other than my love "her names y/n. use it." I looked at him and gave him a meaningful smile, he just nodded keeping his face cold, I don't blame him, not after the things I said to him yesterday.

Let the battle begin.

I was breaking through it, killing most the aliens myself which the others appreciated deeply, I even took the time to make the grass grow back from where the guns burned it away which I'm sure Tony appreciated. Then he came into my view, we held eye contact, it was like his gaze stopped my body functioning I couldn't move, if anything I was drawn to him- no I was drawn to the stones. I slowly walked through the chaos to the purple man, it wasn't until we were face to face that I found where the stones were located, my quest to snatch then from him however was cut short as I was suddenly lifted into the air with his hand around my throat. He could kill me any second, and he relished in the thought.

"Well this is super fun but I really need to get going, so if you wouldn't mind" I burst into a glowing figure, my skin radiated green light like a beacon, the power of the stone- my power, swarmed around me. Thanos fell backwards on the sudden impact but when I saw his devilish smile I felt my heart pound, Tony started shooting at him, so did thor. I looked around. The whole team was fighting him, and they were losing.

I turned my head to look at bucky who was already looking at me with wide eyes "I promise I love you" I didnt give him a chance to respond, I let my power absorb thanos, I used everything I had to rip him limb from limb. The gauntlet fell to the floor with the stones attached and Steve grabbed it quickly, me and thanos were at least 6 feet above them all, I suppose all they could see was green energy.

thanos-"you-cant--kill-me. y-you're-just-a-girl"

y/n-"I'm the devil incarnate" I smirked as strongly as I could. 

my power was draining me and I felt my hold on him begin to slip, it was now or never.

y/n-"Thor strike him!" I screamed and then lighting fell from the sky like a miracle, at the exact time the lightning touched Thanos's skin I let my power rip through him causing me to fall in and out of consciousness, I saw Thanos turn to dust. Then I opened my eyes I was on the floor, and that's the last thing I remember.

~buckys pov~

y/n fell from the sky like Lucifer himself, I caught her but the impact would still break a few ribs, her eyes opened for a second before she passed out entirely. Although she was blacked out green energy pulled from her body traveling through the mud killing any aliens left over, god even in death she still puts us first.

Everyone was in the med wing for something, no one got out without a mark, I watched her as the doctors attached machines to her, her words just kept replaying in my head, no doubt she'll regret saying it now she's not dead.

I hate her so much right now, I hate that she put her life at risk, I hate that she's angry at me, I hate that I love her!

She's like a parasite draining any ounce of bad I have in me, she leaves me vulnerable and mushy, she makes me feel like I'm a good man. Like Hydra never happened. 

I sat there deep in thought when I saw her hand twitch, my eyes widened looking at the machines and them back at her. Her eyes fluttered open and after a few moments she looked at me.

I smiled weakly at her which she returned, we were both in pain for the same reason.

"you promised" I chuckled lightly but her expression changed to something cold, something defiant.

y/n- "I promise a lot of people a lot of things" I looked down to the floor trying to hide my tears at her words, she's in pain, I told myself. "if I could, I'd fulfil all of them"

bucky- "but you wont" I looked at her, both our eyes are glossy, it's almost like a waiting game of who will cry first.

y/n-" but I won't," she shook her head cupping my face into her palms forcing me to look her in the eyes. "because I have better things to do than make you believe I love you." her expression turned cold, my breath hitched and I felt the anger rise in my stomach.

I stood up and stormed out of the room without another word, god! How could I be so stupid to believe she loved me, all she does is say the words, she's never done a thing to show it!

I kicked and flipped everything in my room once I got there. 

and after the rage subsided

and the pain eased 

My mind was left with memories of her, memories from before Hydra, before the war, before everything messed us up.

~y/n pov~

when he left the room I broke down, why cant I let him love me? I deserve happiness, he deserves to see how much I love him, right?

I let out a Brocken sigh, covering my face with my hands.

Maybe in another life, this one wasn't meant for us. - I thought.  We only have one life y/n. - I told myself and shit was I right. I need to find him!

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