Part 12- your joking right?

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A month.

one whole month since the roof top incident with Wanda.

I've never been better really, I've been on a few more mission with Steve and bucky, I even got to go on one with Wanda and nat which was a bog deal because they always get the roughest cases. they all went good, as good as they could have gone, minor injuries at most, Tony joked that he'd give us all whatever we wanted if no one nearly dies by the end of the month. which no one has but its been like 3 days of the month so we still have a little while to see what happens, obviously I really hope no one nearly dies but whoever does ill kill them because im desperate for a new tv in my room.

I skipped down the stairs with my headphones blasting music, I danced my way into the main area and opened the fridge looking to see if I could steal someones goods. I thought I could hear people calling my name but took no notice and continued jamming out to my music when Tony grabbed my shoulder making me scream, I heard laughter erupt and everyone was there in the living room looking over at me, I laughed with them not too embarrassed but it would sure as hell keep me up at night cringing.

I saw Pietro and Clint playing a video game on the tv and everyone else was pretty much talking amongst themselves occasionally watching the game, I recognised everyone apart from one blonde girl who was sitting next to Bucky trying to touch his hair but he kept moving her hands away, her legs were draped over his lap and one of his arms rested on her thigh. A feeling brewed in the pit of my stomach, a deep anger, no. Disgust? no. ugh I don't know what it was but I pushed it deep down in my gut and tucked it away never to be felt again. I composed myself and turned to Tony whispering asking who she was, everyones attention was no longer on me so I felt more comfortable. "oh that's Sharon Carter, she's a shield agent, a friend of buckys, I think" he shrugged walking back to bruce. I took it upon myself to find out, I walked over sitting on the floor in front of wear they were sitting and smiled at her, she gave me a wired look and I get it, everyone else was used to me only sitting on floors so I could understand her confusion.

y/n-"hey, I'm y/n nice to meet you" I smiled at her and reached to give her a handshake that she didn't return so I just lowered my hand awkwardly. "what's your name" I smiled trying to make conversation, I could feel the rest of the team secretly watch the interaction take place but I didn't know why.

sharon-"I'm sharon. Bucky's girlfriend." she emphasised the last word

y/n-"oh well I'm Buckys arch nemesis so if you ever break up, you know who to come too to get revenge on him or just to annoy him" I laughed at the joke and so did Bucky and Steve who sat beside him, I could have sworn everyone in the room let out a little laugh or eyed my adorableness. But Sharon didn't, no she didn't find it funny at all.

sharon-"we are never breaking up! God jealous much." I was taken back by her harsh tone and words, I didn't mean to upset her, I want to be friends, god I hate confrontation. 

bucky-"chill she was joking" she glared at me one more time so I took it upon myself to get up and leave the room, I felt everyones eyes on me, burning my head. I'm sure once I left those yes would be mentally killing sharon, I swear being an avenger has softened me up, if I was still the same from when I first got here sharon would be dead on the floor, I hate that ive changed. not only that but over the time I've been here they have all become, how do I put it, over protective crazy people! someone breaths the wrong way towards me and I have to pull either one of my fellow avengers away from beating them up, it was sweet I won't deny that but it was still embarrassing. 

It makes me wonder why none of them bit her head off back there, I brushed the negative thoughts away and began to train like usual, around 5 hours later I walked back into the main room to see pietro and Clint still playing there video game, bucky and sharon were still in the same place, god knows where everyone else is. I walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, the fridge door opening announced my presence to the room, that's when I noticed banner in the corner sat at the table. I glided over to him sitting next to him resting my head on his shoulder, he pulled me into a quick hug not pulling his gaze from his math problem but I saw him smile, I looked at his equation quickly changing a 1 to a 0.25 fixing his problem. His gaze finally moved to mine scoffing in amazement, he went to hug me tighter but I pulled away referencing to my sweaty body, he laughed and kissed my forehead before practically running to the lab.

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