Part 43- You can hear it in the silence

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~Tonys POV~

fury- "you know what's going to happen, it's what had to happen before she forgot and it's still what has to happen now"

Tony-"fury... She's like a daughter to me I-"

fury-"No. Morgan is your daughter, she'd the one you put in the raft, the one you casted out, the one you tried to kill. y/n is a means to an end. She's not a Brocken doll, she's a fucking weapon that cant be tamed."

Tony-"She's just a kid!"

fury-"you saw the camera footage, or do I need to remind you. she made a plum tree appear, by thinking of it." This cant be happening. He cant be serious.  " putting her in kryo won't work-"

Tony-"but energy cant be destroyed meaning you want-" oh my god. 

Fury-"you contain it, or you kill it."

Tony-"HER! your asking me to contain or kill, HER." I stormed out of his office and headed to the meeting room, the team have to here this.


everyone finally arrived, my anxiety started to spike when I saw everyones worried looks, especially when my eyes met buckys. y/n wasn't here thank god, loki had taken her out for lunch or something. "JARVIS play the footage of my and fury conversation from this morning"

The footage played and there fearful eyes soon turned to anger. we've been here before, i've seen these looks, I've dealt with there vicious words afterwards, I cant do it again, I cant relive the worst decisions of my life. 


we've been hear before

I had two options, I chose to contain her and it didn't work. so now I only have one alternative...

nat-"this is-" we made eye contact and in that split second it was like she read my mind. "t-the only w-way" she knew, and it killed her she knew. The others rage grew but that's not what bothered me, what bothered me was the metal armed man sitting silently at the end of the table, not even flinching to the sounds of his teammates shouts.

~y/n's pov~

I couldn't find anyone when I woke up but I enjoyed the quiet, I wonder if I've always enjoyed it, I cant wait for the day I finally remember everything again. I wonder what my favourite ice cream is? I wonder if I like to sing or dance? I wonder how much I was loved? 

I bet love feels like home.


No, that doesn't feel right to think.

He feels like home.

oh. well I cant wait to find him. Him, him, him. I wonder who it could be, the only people i've been reassured I knew are the avengers so maybe it's one of them. we gathered I've slept with Steve but I have a feeling him and nat are secretly together so it cant be him, bruce is.. well like a dad so is Tony, pietro maybe but he seems too childish, clings married, Peters too young. Bucky is- perfect - ew no brain shut up! He's old and weird and-and stares at me from a distance. ALL. THE. TIME.

I grabbed a breakfast bar of the counter chuckling at my inner monologue and walked over to the balcony, the breeze was sharp on my skin, the sun was out of sight and the rain was about to begin. I could sense it, I could feel the earths breath and the winds voice, I felt at home here, movement caught my eye, I could see Bucky in his room through the window. weird. This felt oddly familiar.


 I realised from the balcony I could see into bucky's room, not much of it but I could still see the far corner of his room, the one furthest away from his door, then I saw the plum tree and sunflower on his windowsill. My heart felt as though it had just been stabbed, I hate him so much.

I had been staring to long, long enough to cause the sunflower on his side to shrivel up and die, long enough for the last plum on his plum tree to rot, I didn't feel bad about it not until I saw him walk to his window, cupping the dead plants carefully in his hands not wanting them to turn to dust in his hands. They did though, I made sure they did, with a simple flash of green they fell through his hands like sand, the flash of green caught his attention, he looked up to the balcony only to see the dead flowers there. I'd already jumped down to the gardens


I shook the memory away, why was I so angry at him, at Bucky. That weird plant I made appear, that was there too- his windowsill looks that same as it did in whenever that memory was from, apart from one picture frame. All I could see was a blur of three people, a girl and two men by the looks of it. it was black and white so maybe It was from the 40s but who's to be sure.

The drop from the balcony was frighteningly large, there's no way I jumped...I want to jump.

I really want to jump, what's the worst that could happen, I'm sure JARVIS will let Tony know the moment I jump.  okay


"Sir MRS y/l has jumped off the balcony in attempts to use her powers"

"WHAT" everyone ran out the room screaming in unison, wanda and Tony ran to the nearest balcony ready jump themselves and grab me.

I couldn't help but laugh. with the wind rushing through my hair and the faint memories ringing in my ears, I felt like I was omnipotent or something. I felt unstoppable.

red energy surged around my body and something clicked in my mind, like a trauma response, I broke away immediately emitting waves of green energy. I was like a green star glowing effortlessly above them all, it seemed the longer I stayed there, using my powers, the more memories that surfaced. But each time one did, I lost control, shooting the building or the ground or anything in my reach..and I couldn't stop.

why does this feel like the end? why does this feel like a farewell? are these even my feelings or there's?

I looked down at them all, their defensive stances, fearful eyes. And his face. all I can see is his face, clear now, clearer than I've ever seen before. I love him. I love bucky. as the memories continued to spill and my power continued to destroy my surroundings I could hear my family shouts in the background.

Fury-"it's time!"


a white flash consumed my eyes, and all of a sudden I was on the ground with chains on my wrist, but they didn't do anything but keep me still, my power still surged, worse now. worse because it was stronger and worse because their closer. I'm going to hurt them. "I'm going to hurt you" I couldn't hear my own voice over the noise, it was loud and violent and- I loved it. it sounds like him, it sounds like his soul and mind.... without me.

I watched Steve and nat fight against the roots of trees that had taken life like forms, wanda and Tony took to the sky with thor trying to attack from above but none of it mattered until my eyes met his. 

The sorrow in his face made me want to break the world apart and fix what was hurting him so deeply, I want to destroy whatever is making him feel this way, I-i need to destroy whoever is breaking his heart. 

wanda-"Bucky!" I watched in confusion as red seeped from wandas hands into buckys eyes. His whole body shook, did she hurt him? my power burst stronger knocking wanda to the ground. "Bucky you know you have to do it" nat shouted at him. they all knew something I didnt.

and I don't like being left out.

I built up a huge serge of energy ready to devour them all until I heard a pain shot from my stomach, and I heard his voice. "you're breaking my heart" his voice cracked as tears spilt from those perfect eyes.

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