Part 25- dead ends and new beginnings

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~buckys pov~

We all arrived back at the compound devistated, we couldn't track her down, we couldn't find her, only god knows how alone she feels right now and it's our fault. well, Tonys fault. I should have said something sooner, I had suspicions about the whole thing for weeks and didnt say a thing, how could I be so reckless with her?

Tears fell down my face for the first time since I don't know when, but I wasn't embarrassed, we were all crying. I swear if I ever see Tonys face again I'll kill him.

sadness soon turned into anger which I happily took out of the walls in my room, punching holes anywhere I could until...I noticed a letter with a sunflower on top. I looked around rapidly for any sign of her but she was long gone now.

To Bucky,

I hope this letter finds you before your fist finds there way to your walls, if not, I hope you fix your walls before Steve gives you a boring long speech about anger management. okay I'm sorry I'll be serious. 

I can imagine your not feeling you best right now and neither am I if I'm being honest. All I can say is that I'm sorry I'm leaving you, I wish I got to stay and experience a real friendship with you, I imagine it would have been magical. we will see each other again, maybe in another life, maybe years from now we'll bump into each other at a small Chinese restaurant-that would be crazy right!

With my new power, I'm pretty much invincible (don't be too jealous). I've enchanted your dog tags because I know you always wear them, if you ever need me and I mean only for emergencies, hold them In your hand and call out my name. I'll hear.

I just need you to know this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life, but I cant put the people I love at risk. And I love you bucky. Saying that I also need to remind you to not wait around for me, if you meet someone, go for it! no buts no cuts no coconuts. You heard me dip shit. The world is yours, no limits.

love from, your girl. (yeah I could hear your thoughts when you'd call me this) love you!

 PS - I hope you realise I know Tony did all this of his own accord, I know you wouldn't do something like this to me. 

PPS - I fixed your never ending plum tree!

I couldn't help but smile and laugh as more tears fell from my eyes. 'I love you too' I thought. I really hope she can still hear me. I hope she knows because I'm never moving on from this girl, she's my soulmate.

2 years later...

~y/n pov~

Every 6 months I'd check on him, he'd never see me but he knew I was there because when I was near the flowers would grow taller and the sun would shine brighter, I just needed to know he was safe. And he was. The avengers still saved the world, they still all ate diner together, they still had movie nights like I'd never even been there, but I had been, I used to be there. I hated to admit to myself that I missed it. 

I missed trying to catch Pietro when he'd run around the room at super speed, I missed combat fighting with nat and laughing till we cried over the stupidest things, I missed steves long speeches, and Bruces kind nature. I missed wanda doing my hair and telling me how beautiful I am. I miss Clint firing arrows at me thinking I wouldn't be able to catch them, I miss sam making me laugh every second of everyday... I miss bucky, I miss his cruel remarks that I'd pretend offended me, I miss our missions together, I miss the tension between us that was so strong the air basically spelt out love.

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