Chapter 1: Meet Naomi Levine

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(Trainer Background)

Name: Naomi Levine

Age: 16

Appearance: Short Blue hair, Bright Green eyes, 5'1

Hometown: Newbark Town, Johto

Pokemon: Starter- Chikorita, Ampharos, Bonsly, Sandile, Riolu, Flabebe

Friends: Ash, Brock, Dawn

Class: Breeder

Info: Naomi Levine is your normal 16-year-old girl living in New Bark Town of the Johto Region. She's a Pokemon breeder that travels around the world with her close friends Ash, Brock, and Dawn. She's been traveling with them ever since she started her pokemon journey just a few years ago. You could say she's your normal, lovable, funny, stubborn, outgoing teenage girl but really under all that she's broken and in pain who also self-harms and no one knows...not even her close friends.

You may not understand why but let's explain, growing up Naomi had no father which she thinks he left because of her, yet her mother said that's not the case, but she won't give Naomi the real reason why he left so Naomi just assumed it was because she was born and thought she was nothing but a mistake.

Over the years Naomi tried to forget about her father and move on. That's when she realized she still had her mother who she loved more than anything and told everything to...but then at age 10, her mother abandoned her as well in the hands of her grandparent.

Confused, hurt and angry at her mother for just leaving her, she grew lonely and more depressed by each day which caused her to start self-harming because she's left with all this pain and loneliness inside and thinks no one understands nor loves her anymore so she hides all her pain behind the funny, outgoing, stubborn girl people think she is...and yet, no one knows the truth...not even her close friends.

After that, Naomi never wanted to leave her house ever again, she never wanted to talk, eat, sleep, let alone live but when she turned 11, her grandparents practically forced her to try and forget about her parents and live her life again but because there were no available pokemon at the Lab, her grandparents had given her their Chikorita to travel with and let's just say it hasn't been easy.

Naomi wanted to give up and turn back at every chance she got, but she knew that her grandparents probably would never let her back in the house so she decided to pull through and that's when Naomi bumped into Ash and Brock and from there they've been traveling ever since and from there Naomi's tried to forget about her past and move on by meeting so many new people and catching so many along the way...

However, one Rival in particular piqued Naomi's interest and she has no idea why. She tries to deny them as hard as she can but everytime her and Paul argue or he gets on her nerves, there's something about him that Naomi can't ignore...

But she knows that'll never happen in a million years let alone admit to herself that she likes him...but what happens when team rocket has a plan, traps them both and he notices the scars? Will he care? Will they fall in love? What happens next?

(I have up to 10 chapters for this story so why not post it. I have another story up to chapter 7 so i'm gonna post that one too just to give you guys something. I know I really suck at updating and i'm sorry about that. Life has just been crazy so please bare with me. Also I will be fixing book covers. I have a new way of making book covers now so that's exciting. Anyways enjoy!)

(600 Words)

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