Chapter 2: Another Day, Another Scar

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(Naomi's Pov)

I jolted awake with a slight panic in my chest, most mornings ended up this way. They have ever since I've been living with my grandparents and dealing with all the trauma from my parents. I can hardly sleep at night without having nightmares or flashbacks about my parents leaving and abandoning's always been this way and I don't think anything can stop it. Yes, my friends know my story, they just don't know the pain that follows along and the pain that's written on my arms, thighs and stomach.

I'm so good at hiding my pain behind my average, lovable, funny, stubborn, outgoing self...or so I've been called those by my friends but I don't believe them because everytime I see a reflection of myself, I hate what I see because all I see is everyone that's abandoned me...but I can't tell my friends I hate myself and hate my life...they wouldn't I feel like if I told them, they would leave me why bother?

Why do you think I want to be a pokemon breeder like my grandparents? Because I would rather help every pokemon on this planet and try and help my friends in need then try and help myself because I'm already a lost cause that's broken inside. I don't think there's fixing me so might as well help those around me or else I have no other will to live.

Brock has been helping me to know all there is about pokemon evolution, fossils, each items, and all the berries that are used to help pokemon...he's a great friend and I'm glad I found friends like these...I honestly thought I wouldn't make it this far in life...I didn't think I would have any friends.

But what I can I say, hiding my pain behind a snarky personality sure does fool everyone who I become friends with...I honestly try, I really do but sometimes early in the morning or late at night everything bad in my life comes back like a tidal wave and holding in the pain I feel each and everyday hurts so bad...

Hence why I hurt myself to take it all away because I hate showing emotions and I hate attention. My friends may be airheads, but they aren't as dumb as you cut them out to's just how it's been for a few years...

When I first started my journey, I wasn't really excited to go since this was the time my mother abandoned me for no reason. For a year I didn't leave my room let alone the house. I stopped eating, talking, I stopped showering and stopped sleeping...but when I turned 11, my grandparents kinda forced me to travel and start fresh, to forget about my parents and the pain they caused me so I reluctantly went but because there weren't available pokemon at the lab, my grandparents had a Chikorita so they decided to let her travel with me.

I sorta hoped that with her company and leaving my hometown would help but it didn't. I felt alone for so long and most days I wanted to give up and go back home, but I know my grandparents would probably never let me in the house again so me and Chikorita kept pushing through and that's when I bumped into Ash and Brock and from there we became friends and we all got along so well with the occasion of Brock hitting on me a few times but other than that we all became good friends.

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