Chapter 9: My Truth

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(Naomi's Pov)

When I finished crying, which it felt like hours and hours of me doing so, I guess I still had so much pain stored in my body that once it was released, it never stopped. I sniffled as me and Paul didn't say anything but held each other which I haven't been held in Arceus knows how long so it felt...good I

I sat up and rubbed my probably now puffy, red and tear-stained face. Paul had a softer more concerned and worried type of face than his natural brooding, angry face "Naomi why?" He asked holding onto my exposed wrists. I sighed as he gently ran his fingers across the bumpy cuts/scars which made me hiss a bit because they were still so very sensitive.

I sucked in a deep breath preparing to tell him everything because why hide it now? I can't lie about this shit, can't even if I tried or wanted what the hell...he might never talk to me again, he might end up hating me more but what else do I have to lose? "When I was born, my father left me and my mother so I had assumed he left because he realized I was a mistake...then when I turned 10, my mother abandoned me too so I thought she eventually saw what my father did...nothing but this pathetic, worthless mistake" I began to explain.

Paul said nothing, "I was depressed, sad and lonely because I don't know why both my parents left me but all that hurt and pain just made me so angry that I decided to take it out on myself because there must be something wrong with me to make them leave I thought if I hurt myself it would make me feel better and it did so I just never stopped because I hate showing actual emotions so hurting myself was a different way to get it all out and it's just been this way ever since" I stated softly as more tears fell from my face.

Paul sighed and didn't say anything "Do the others know?" He asked, I shook my head "They know about my story just not about the pain that follows. They get suspicious but they're not that smart. I feel like my pokemon can sense it though so it's kinda getting harder to hide them" I said guiltily, Paul sighed but nodded "Your parents are the ones that are pathetic, not you. If I'm being honest, my older brother raised me, hence why I am the way that I am, but I was never in so much pain that I wanted to hurt myself" Paul stated.

I sighed and rolled my eyes "people have different ways of dealing with pain. You're an asshole and I am equally a smartass who just hides her pain with that and cuts and cries herself to sleep" I stated as I sniffled a bit. Paul said nothing as he sighed and put his cold hand on my red, puffy, tear-stained cheek which made me gasp a bit at the sensation...I never knew his hands were so cold.

He wiped away my fallen tears with his thumb and smirked softly "Well your parents don't know what kind of girl they left behind. You're stronger than they are and to be honest, you may be stronger than me. I can tell you really care about your friends and pokemon despite that pain you feel inside" Paul stated, my eyes widen as my face flushed.

My hands rested on his chest as he wrapped his other arm around my waist and sat up a bit. He pulled me closer which made me gasp a bit. He only smirked as he tilted my chin up to make me look at him "P-Paul?" I whispered with confusion, he sighed and looked away feeling quite bashful "you have made me feel things I didn't think I could feel and now being stuck up here for hours, I realized what those feelings are now" He rambled, my heart was racing and my stomach was churning...was he...confessing?

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