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(Naomi's Pov) *SAME DAY*

I swear it's been hours since me and Paul have been trapped in this net. We both were getting uncomfortable and irritable by the minute. I tried calling out for the others but still no luck. It was hot, I was sweating and I absolutely hated this.

My cuts itched and burned...this is bad, this is so bad...I was growing anxious by the minute but I can't do anything with Paul beside me or he'll get suspicious and he can't know what I do to myself...he just can't, "UGH, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" I shouted anxiously as I tried to swing us back and forth or side to side trying to make the net break or something but nothing was working.

Paul groaned "Knock it off!" Paul shouted as he wrapped one arm around my waist holding me still on his lap and grabbed my wrist which made me flinch and yelp in pain. Throbbing pain coursed through my arm which made me hiss and bite my lip trying to contain my pain...I'm fucked...I'm so fucked.

Paul looked confused "What the hell?" Paul asked as he let go of my wrist. I held it and trembled a little trying to hard not to react but these fresh cuts hurt like a motherfucker "What happened to your wrist?" He asked, I didn't answer as I felt the tears welled up in my eyes...Don't cry...don't fucking cry, don't show emotion, he doesn't care, he doesn't care...

Paul grabbed my wrist again which made me hiss and yelp again. I tried pulling away but Paul only gripped tighter "just let me go, let me go" I whimpered painfully, Paul looked thoroughly "What's your problem?" he asked as he lifted up my long shirt sleeve seeing so many fresh scars and cuts etching my skin...I sighed in defeat...I'm done for...I'm so fucking done for.

Paul's eyes widen as he gasped "What the hell is this!?" He asked harshly, I only looked at my lap feeling nothing but ashamed and embarrassed "Why the fuck would you do something like this? Are you really this pathetic!?" He screamed at me. I tensed up as my heart raced anxiously. I tried to not cry but I couldn't hold back any longer...I knew this was going to happen sooner or later...

Paul grabbed my other wrist and pulled it up as well seeing more scars "WHY!?" He shouted angrily but yet with concern? My bottom lip quivered as I choked on sobs, Paul stopped yelling once the tears fell from my face "H-Hey don't cry now, don't be so pathetic" He stated with confusion.

I grit my teeth as I clenched his shirt "Y-You have no fucking idea the pain I have been through" I mumbled; Paul looked confused "huh?" He asked, I finally stared him straight in the eyes "YOU HAVE NO IDEA AT ALL, ABOUT THE PAIN, LONELINESS, HURT, BETRAYAL AND ANGER I HAVE BEEN THROUGH. YOU DON'T KNOW ME OR THE SHIT THAT'S HAPPENED TO ME OR ALL I'VE DONE. H-HOW CAN YOU CALL ME PATHETIC WHEN ALL MY LIFE, I-I HAVE BEEN IN PAIN AND CUTTING MYSELF WAS T-THE ONLY WAY TO TAKE IT ALL AWAY AND MAKE ME FEEL BETTER, S-SO DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE SAY-" I screamed and trembled as I choked on sobs managing to get everything out of my system. Paul didn't say anything but wrap his arms around my shoulders and pull me in a hug.

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