Chapter 4: Time For Some Knowledge

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(Naomi's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining through the bedroom windows. I sighed and groaned as I turned away not wanting to wake up but knowing me, I kinda half to...I wish I could just sleep forever but unfortunately I can't...shit sucks...I sighed as I sat up and rubbed my face tiredly.

I looked seeing Chikorita and Ampharos sleeping by me which made me smile softly as I decided to return both of them for now so I can let the others come out and play as well. I hopped out of bed, stretching and yawning as I headed out of the room and downstairs to the smell of coffee and food which made my stomach growl a little.

I headed to the kitchen seeing the others except for Ash, assuming he was getting some training done before breakfast. Everyone's pokemon were out and about which made me smile as I let everyone out as well so they could eat and socialize "Good Morning Naomi" Dawn greeted,

I smiled and nodded as Brock handed me a cup of coffee which made me thank him as I sat at the kitchen table "did you sleep well?" Brock asked, I shrugged "as good as it's going to get" I stated, "that was quite the temper yesterday" He stated, I groaned and rolled my eyes just thinking of it "Don't remind me" I stated,

Brock and Dawn chuckled "yea what was that all about?" She asked, I sipped my coffee and sighed "Paul just makes me so fricken irritated and hearing him and Ash bicker get on my nerves more than anything" I stated, they nodded "Well that's rivals for ya" Dawn said,

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I sipped my coffee and looked at my pokemon while they ate happily and enjoyed their food and talked with the other pokemon. I wonder what pokemon talk about. I wish they had that in the books. That'd be pretty cool to learn about, pokemon language hmm. I'm sure there's something about it somewhere, how interesting.

When breakfast was done, Dawn went to get Ash and his pokemon so they could eat and not tire themselves out. We all sat around the kitchen table, got some food and began to eat and talk. Dawn wanted to join the contest today in this town so we would be doing that before Ash's battle since he wanted to train and battle me more to really become stronger.

I really wanted nothing more than to curl up my room and do nothing but read more about Pokemon and Breeding because it's really the only thing that'll keep my mind off how shitty my entire life is and I'd like to not really wallow in self-pity today.

After we finished breakfast, I helped clean up as we gathered up our things and followed Dawn to the Pokemon Contest. She signed in along with a million other contest Coordinators and waited to get called out to perform. Me, Brock and Ash went to find seats as we watched her do her thing.

She used her Piplup with Aipom which to be honest was kinda amazing. I couldn't help but take notes on her pokemon and the other coordinators pokemon as well...I gotta say results sure are interesting. When it was over unfortunately Dawn didn't win, she was pretty bummed about that but there's a million other places she can get ribbons from, but she sure did amazing, she won in my book though.

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