Chapter 20: You Really Are Beautiful, Scars and All (SMUT)

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*Might be short and shitty, I apologize. I suck at smut but hope you enjoy! Also if you don't like smut then just skip. Also, comment down below who you want a story of next. The guys I do are in my comments on my profile*

(Naomi's Pov) *THAT NIGHT*

After that whole mess was over between me and my friends, it was getting kinda late so Reggie had suggested we all stay over for the night before heading off to continue our pokemon journey. Since there were only 2 rooms, Reggie had his, I'd be with Paul and the others would have the living room which they said would be fine and would make it work.

Once we had a late dinner, we helped clean up and had gotten ready for bed. We had decided to watch a couple of movies before officially calling it a night. I was pretty exhausted from everything that's happened so I was gonna just take a shower and call it a night. I said my goodnights before me and Paul headed upstairs "I'm gonna take a shower" I said, Paul smirked "need some company?" He teased, I scoffed and blushed before shoving his chest a bit "As if pervert" I said, he chuckled and kissed my head before retreating back to his room.

I headed to the bathroom and closed the door behind me and let out a big breath I didn't realize I was holding in. For some reason I felt my heart race and stomach churn and I couldn't stop thinking about Paul. I chuckled and shook my head as I started up the shower and waited for it to heat up.

I looked in the mirror and saw my face was certainly red. I put my hands on my warm, red cheeks and rolled my eyes a bit "What the hell are you doing to me Paul?" I quietly asked myself before stripping from my clothes and hopping in the nice warm shower. I let out a sigh in relief feeling the hot water hit my skin. No matter what I did, I couldn't stop thinking about Paul, I wasn't sure why I was thinking about him in the way I was thinking, but I for sure as hell couldn't stop.

I groaned and shook my head before finishing up with my shower. When I was done, I turned off the water, hopped out and wrapped a towel around myself. I quietly walked out of the bathroom hearing nothing but silence which made me sigh as I felt my heart race and stomach churn. I took a deep breath before entering Paul's room to see him in nothing but boxers on his bed reading a book.

He looked at me and smirked which made me roll my eyes as I turned away from him, grabbed some clean clothes and set them on the dresser. I took part of the towel and dried my hair not fully wanting to dry off and get dressed yet knowing Paul was staring at me. The air and tensions were hot and my breath got caught in my throat.

I didn't hear Paul get off the bed until I felt him stand behind me. No words were exchanged as Paul moved my wet hair away from my neck and gently pressed soft kisses to it. I sighed a bit "and what do you think you're doing?" I managed to whisper out, Paul chuckled "What do you think I'm doing?" he whispered, "being a perv?" I asked, he scoffed "you know you like this" he whispered which made heat course through my body.

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