Chapter 18: Give Him A Chance...

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(Naomi's Pov) *SAME DAY*

After a while of walking in the comfortable silence on our way to Veilstone City, I was currently trying to figure out what to do with my life now...I mean is this it? Are me and my friends through? Are they done with me now that I'm dating Paul? Are me and Paul going to travel now? What do I do? I don't know what to do. I sighed a bit and shook my head feeling it ache a bit.

Paul looked at me "You okay?" He asked, I shrugged "My head hurts" I said, he nodded "we're almost there" He said, I nodded "So, what's your brother like?" I asked, "Well surprisingly he's a breeder too. You could probably learn a few things from him but I mean he's my older brother, he does what older brothers do best" he said, I smiled softly and nodded as we continued our way to Veilstone City.

When we got there, it was around 2pm. My eyes widen as I looked in awe of the new city. Is was surrounded by mountains, had meteorites scattered along the park. Paul dragged me through the city, which made me smile and look around at the change of scenery and the people that either traveled or lived here.

There were many department stores, the Pokemon Center, PokeMart, a game Coner, the Gym, some salons and style shops. It sure looked pretty; I'll give it that. First me and Paul stopped by the Pokemon Center to heal our pokemon. After that, he had taken me around town to show me what his birthplace had to offer...gotta say, looks so much better than where I grew up...I mean I'm sure it was hell of a lot better because well...I grew up abandoned and turned out like this so...yea.

I smiled softly and looked at Paul "Wow this city is amazing" I said, Paul chuckled a bit "Ya think so?" he asked, I nodded "I mean the scenery is beautiful. I mean you know where I grew up and how it turned out to be...this feels and looks so nice" I said, Paul smiled slyly and shook his head "You're weird" he said, I smiled "Yea, but you love me anyways so if anything you're the weird one for loving me" I said,

He smiled and rolled his eyes a bit "Are you hungry?" he asked, I shrugged "I could eat I guess" I said, he nodded as we headed off to the nearest café for coffee and food. When we got there, we walked into the fresh smell of brewed coffee and pastries. My stomach growled "Go sit. I'll get us something" Paul said, I nodded as I went and found us an empty table by the windows while Paul stood in line. I looked out the window out at the beautiful city. I sighed a bit feeling such a loss and empty feeling inside...

It was weird traveling without my friends, I mean I've been traveling with them for so long you would think we could work things out and talk it out...but no...I got berated and judged for dating the one guy who actually makes me happy and makes me feel like I'm worth something...Arceus forbid that was such an awful thing...I mean did they expect me to stay single and depressed all my life? Any further into how I felt, I would've probably ended my life...if anything, Paul saved me...I am here because of him...

I was snapped from my thoughts by Paul setting down a coffee in front of me and some pastries as well. I let out a huge breath I didn't realize I was holding in and blinked a few times. Paul raised an eyebrow and sat across from me at the table "Where'd you go?" he asked, I titled my head a bit "Your minds wandering. Where'd it go this time?" He asked, I shrugged and sipped my coffee "Same shit as before" I said,

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