Chapter 21: You Never Have To Be Alone Again

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(Naomi's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining through the bedroom window. I sighed and groaned as I turned the other way wanting nothing more than to cuddle next to Paul and go back to sleep. Unfortunately, once I turned, I didn't feel nor see Paul next to me, which made me sigh as I sat up and rubbed my face tiredly.

I looked at the time to see it was a little after 7am which made me groan a bit. I yawned tiredly and sighed as I looked to see I was alone in the bedroom and naked. I looked down seeing I was covered in hickies which made me blush and shake my head a bit. I looked on the floor seeing a shirt of Paul's which made me smile as I grabbed it and put it on.

I hopped out of bed and hissed a bit still barely having feeling in my legs and feet. I chuckled and shook my head "bastard" I whispered as I took a deep breath and headed out of Paul's room hearing soft talking from downstairs. I could only hope to Arceus that the others aren't awake right now.

I headed downstairs and to the kitchen seeing Paul and Reggie. I let out a sigh in relief which made them look at me and smirk a bit "well, well, well. Look who's finally awake" Reggie teased, I glared at him "It's not even 8am" I said, he chuckled a bit "well, I'm glad you guys had your fun last night but thanks to that, I'm sure none of us really slept all that well so next time you think about doing it. Go get a hotel room" Reggie said and walked out.

My eyes widen and face flushed which made Paul chuckle a bit "H-how did?" I asked, "Those marks on your neck indicated otherwise, not to mention you're not exactly quiet" he said, I glared at him and huffed a bit before walking over to him "And whose fault might that be?" I asked, he smirked a bit "you're walking I see" he teased, I blushed and huffed a bit "Again, no thanks to you" I said, he laughed "Again, you're not complaining" he said,

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a mug and poured myself some coffee "You still owe me a shower mister" I said, he chuckled "Yes ma'am" he said, I smiled and shook my head as I sipped my coffee. I felt Paul place his hand on my bare thigh before running up to my ass. I blushed a bit "No panties I see?" he whispered, I chuckled and sipped my coffee "I'll see you in the shower" I whispered as I put my mug in the sink before heading up to the bathroom to take a shower.

I started up the shower and waited for it to heat up. I was about to take off my shirt until I heard the bathroom door open revealing Paul. He smirked and grabbed my bare waist and pushed me against the bathroom door nearly taking my breath away.

My eyes widen a bit which made him chuckle "Speechless?" He asked, I rolled my eyes and shook my head a bit "Let's just shower before a round 2 happens" I said, he laughed and leaned close to me "What if I want a round 2 to happen?" he asked, I bit my lip a bit "Well that can wait till later. My legs hurt" I said and pushed his chest before taking off my shirt and hopping in the shower.

I heard Paul laugh before shuffling could be heard. Paul hopped in behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist which made me blush a bit "Keep those hands where I can see em mister" I said, he smirked and pampered my neck with kisses "yes Ma'am" he whispered which made me chuckle as I shook my head and did my best to shower but Arceus knows Paul made that impossible to happen.

Finally after I was able to shower, I turned off the water, hopped out and wrapped a towel around me. Me and Paul headed back to his room, dried off and hopped into some casual clothes. I walked up to Paul and wrapped my arms around his neck "I love you" I said, he wrapped his arms around me and chuckled a bit "I love you too loser" he said and flicked my head which made me smile and shake my head as we continued on with our day and nothing made me happier...huh, can you believe it?



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