Chapter 16: Anger and Confusion

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(Naomi's Pov) *SAME DAY*

Well, after that drama went down, I didn't even bother to wait for the others as I headed back to the hotel and packed up my things. My heart was racing, stomach was churning, I could feel the anger, sadness and betrayal course through me and escape through the tears that fell from my face. I didn't want to cry, I felt so stupid for crying and getting upset when I know I shouldn't be or have no reason to be.

My body shook and trembled as I grabbed my things and headed out of the hotel room only to be face to face with Paul. My eyes widen as I looked away not wanting to look pathetic in front of him and with knowing that I pretty much told the others I loved him when he was right next to me.

I clenched my fists tightly and bit my lip trying to contain the sobs. Paul said nothing and kept his stern looking face as he gently grabbed onto my clenched fists and pried my hands open to intertwine his fingers with mine. I gasped a bit as he then wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

I clenched onto his shirt tightly before feeling the overwhelming emotions flood out of me like a river. I sobbed into his chest feeling my body convulse letting out everything I was holding in. Paul continued to say nothing but hold me tightly as he rubbed my head and back soothingly.

I didn't understand, I just don't understand...they're my friends, they're suppose to be my best friends and understand me and stick by me no matter what but the second they spy on me and find out me and Paul are dating without giving me a chance to explain or giving him a second chance and thinking now I'm the bad guy?? I mean what the hell? Who the hell do they think they are? I don't want to care; I don't want to be this pathetic and cry over this but I am and I can't stop it...

Paul pried me off him and cupped my cheeks before wiping my tears away. My sobs turned to sniffles "Come on. Let's get out of here" he said, I nodded as we headed out of the hotel and came face to face with the others yet again. My eyes widen as I clenched my fists tightly feeling all those feelings come back.

No words were exchanged as we all stared at each other for what seemed like forever. Brock and Dawn looked concerned and sad once they saw my red, tear-stained cheeks but of course Ash was stubborn and stuck in his own way so he still looked pissed.

Paul scoffed and shook his head as we walked away leaving them behind, "we'll head to Solaceon Town and stay there for the night, then we can head off to Veilstone City in the morning" Paul said, I nodded as we headed out of Hearthome City and on our way to Solaceon Town.

I didn't know what else to say, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to say. I felt pathetic and stupid for feeling this way but they've been my best friends for years now and for them to attack me like this? I mean I don't understand. I frowned and sighed feeling a heavy feeling on my chest and shoulders. I looked up at Paul who didn't look any different than how he usually does, "I'm sorry" I whispered,

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