Chapter 11: First Official Date

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*Hi, yes i'm not dead. So sorry to disappoint. A little note before this chapter. I deeply apologize that i've been...well dead. My life hasn't been good lately and it's been extremely hard to write pokemon stories let alone watch pokemon but these days i've been slowly getting back into it and am currently on the Diamond/Pearl season which has Paul so it's making me more motivated to write so I will do my best to continue this and my Tracey story it's just writing pokemon is a lot more complex than other anime's I write about so bare with me please. If you would like another Pokemon guy feel free to comment. I will give you some suggestions after this chapter because there's literally so many of them that I write about so let me know and enjoy!*

(Naomi's Pov) *THE NEXT DAY*

The next day, I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining through the bedroom window. I sighed and groaned as I turned the other way wanting to go back to sleep but knowing me that'll never happen. I had the hardest time sleeping last night because all I could think about was Paul and all the times he's kissed literally leaves my lips what the actual FUCK...had no idea that a douchebag like him made me feel these things, but damn did I enjoy it so much you have no idea...

I didn't sleep until really late that night, but thankfully my brain was thinking so much about him to the point of me just passing out from it but I was glad I was actually able to sleep some. Anyways, I blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust to the brightness shining through the darkness of the bedroom. I looked at the time seeing it was later than I expected and definitely later than I usually wake up.

It was almost 9am which made me sigh a bit. I sat up and rubbed my face tiredly. I yawned as I hopped out of bed stretching and yawning. I looked to see Dawn wasn't in bed meaning her and the others must be awake...oh man, how am I going to react to Paul today...I wonder if the others will notice something suspicious about us today...or not, we'll see I guess.

I shook my head and sighed as I grabbed my pokeballs and headed out of the room and down to the kitchen seeing coffee was made but the others were outback relaxing and or training for the next Gym Battle. I smiled softly and shook my head as I grabbed a mug and poured myself a cup of coffee.

I walked out back and released my pokemon who yawned tiredly, "Good Morning everyone" I greeted, they all greeted me a good morning which made me smile softly "Go on and play you guys. Breakfast will be done soon" I said as they cheered and ran off to play with the other's pokemon.

I saw Dawn helping Brock with breakfast which made me walk up to them. They looked at me and chuckled "Well, good morning to you" Dawn greeted, I rolled my eyes "This is a first that you've woken up late" Brock stated, I sighed "yea, yea, get it out. Whatever, If I wanted to sleep all day, I would" I said, they laughed which made me smile and shake my head a bit "Breakfast will be done shortly" Brock said,

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