Chapter 7: Sticky Situation

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(Naomi's Pov) *SAME DAY*

When we were out of Team Rocket's way, the gust cleared up as I coughed a bit and looked to see I was with none other than Paul. My eyes widen as I felt my heart race "out of all the people I had to be stuck with you" Paul questioned, I clenched my fists and glared at him "what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I asked harshly.

He looked at me and smirked which I swear even his smirk made me melt but I tried so hard not to show it cause he is so getting on my think I actually like this asshole...He should feel fucking grateful that I actually wanna put up with his stupid ass cause no one else will...Like he has a chance with any other girl...

Paul chuckled "Oh nothing, you're just as pathetic as the others but if I'm being honest, I would rather deal with you than them" He stated while putting his hands in his pockets, my eyes widen as my face flushed. I looked away and huffed "Whatever, let's just get out of here and find the others" I stated while crossing my arms.

Paul chuckled as we walked somewhere "I hope you know we're not done with our battle" I mentioned, Paul smirked "Wouldn't dream of it" He stated, I smirked back as we walked in silence. It was a bit warm out, warmer than I thought and I was still wearing my black and red flannel and black jeans.

I mentally groaned a bit but there was nothing I could do or change into without my scars and cuts showing "Aren't you hot in that shirt?" Paul asked, I glared at him and tensed up a bit "Why do you care!?" I shot back, he flinched a bit and looked away...I could've sworn I saw some pink dusted on his cheeks but it could just be from the heat "I-I don't" He stuttered, I scoffed "I'm fine" I said as we continued walking in silence.

While walking, me and Paul stepped on this what we thought was regular leaves, but we stopped once we realized we were going up in the air. We yelled a bit as we were both trapped in this small net...what's even more awkward is because it was small, I'm sure it was meant for pokemon so I was on Paul's lap with my hands on his chest and his hands loosely were around my waist.

Once we came to and realized what happened, we both looked at each other and blushed furiously "G-Get off" He stuttered with embarrassment. I glared at him "Wish I could but I can't so fucking deal with it" I stated while crossing my arms. He scoffed and looked away which made me do the same "So what do we do now?" Paul asked,

I sighed and looked around "Well looks like our bags are on the ground meaning we can't do anything until the others find us I guess" I stated while shrugging, Paul groaned and tried to get us out which made me groan a bit cause I'm already uncomfortable as it is and his moving is not helping but then again...I'm sitting on his lap...fucking naughty thoughts "Stop moving will ya? It's no use" I stated as my face felt red.

Paul groaned and stopped moving "What's your deal anyways" I asked, he looked at me "what do you mean?" He asked a bit harshly "why do you hate me so much? Am I THAT terrible? I mean what did I ever do to you?" I asked, Paul sighed and rolled his eyes "No, to be honest, I don't...well not really. You're more tolerable than your pathetic friends. You're honestly better than they are if not stronger" He said smirking slightly as he crossed his arms.

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