Chapter 19: I Love You

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*Dude it's 110 degrees right now. I don't wanna hear anything about how shitty or short the last chapters will be. I apologize but I am dying of heatstroke so enjoy while I die :')*

(3rd Person View)

The next morning, Ash, Brock and Dawn woke up, packed up their things and headed out early to find Naomi and Paul. They headed off to Solaceon Town and searched far and wide asking anyone and everyone if they've seen Naomi and Paul. The only people who have were Nurse Joy at the Pokemon Center and the Lady who gave them their rooms at the hotel they stayed at but unfortunately don't know where they headed off too.

But once they knew that they were in Solaceon Town means that they're probably now residing in Veilstone City. However, due to them leaving so early, none of them had breakfast and Ash began to complain about being hungry. So the group had stopped by a café for some breakfast before treading on. They knew not to worry given that Naomi was with Paul but they were still a little worried given about what Naomi was currently thinking about.

Back with Naomi and Paul, despite all that's happened, Paul has made her happy and right now, Naomi was feeling happy. Currently her and Reggie were having a 3 on 3 pokemon battle, (Can put in whatever scene you want. It's a million degrees and I am too hot and lazy to add in a scene so do as you please) Reggie used his Bibarel, Swalot and Staraptor while Naomi used her Riolu, Ampharos and Bayleef.

Paul watched from afar while his girlfriend and older brother fought a very tough battle. It was a very intense and close battle but unfortunately Reggie had won given that he had more experience than Naomi did, but he knew she was going to be a very strong trainer/breeder someday and congratulated her on how strong she was. After that, they were all pretty wiped out, so they headed back in the house and had some lunch.

Back with the other group, after they had their late breakfast, they headed back out to the town and headed off to Veilstone City, "If she's in Veilstone City where could she be?" Ash asked, "Isn't Paul from Veilstone City?" Dawn asked, "I think he might be" Brock said, "So wouldn't they be at his house then?" Dawn asked, "It's worth checking out" Ash said, the group smiled softly as they continued their journey to find Naomi and Paul.

Once they had reached Veilstone City, they knew where Paul had lived given that he's been to his house and battled Reggie before so it wasn't hard as the group ran in the direction of where Paul had lived.

When they got there, they panted out of breath and walked up to the door. Ash knocked on it which made Reggie, Paul and Naomi confused. All stood up as Reggie went to answer and let's just say everyone's eyes widen with shock not expecting to see who it was...

(Naomi's Pov)

After me and Reggie had our battle, it was so intense and infuriating because he was so much stronger than I realized and anticipated, I mean I knew he would be strong...but THIS strong? Oh man, I underestimated him a little bit because in the end, he ended up winning. I mean hell, it was a good battle and all but I wasn't expecting that.

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