Chapter 15: DATING THE ENEMY!?

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(3rd Person View)

Once Paul and Naomi left in the morning to spend the day to themselves, Dawn had woken up to see that Naomi wasn't in bed which made her confused but assumed she was in the kitchen or outside. Her and the others had woken up and headed to the kitchen for some breakfast only to find out that Naomi wasn't anywhere to be seen.

The others were confused "Now that's weird" Dawn said, "What's weird?" Ash asked, she rolled her eyes a bit at his naiveness "I wonder where Naomi went" she wondered, the boys thought for a moment "well you know Naomi, she's gotta be around somewhere" Brock said,

Dawn nodded and tried not to dwell on it as they went ahead and had breakfast before doing some training before Ash's next battle. After a while however, they began to grow worried because they haven't seen nor heard from Naomi all day, "Okay now I'm starting to worry. We know how she is but is it normal for her to disappear all day?" Dawn asked,

Brock sighed "I don't think so. Should we go looking for her?" He asked, "totally!" Ash shouted, "What if she just wants alone time right now?" Dawn asked, "Well then once we find her, we ask her if that's what she wants" Ash stated, the others weren't quite sure what to expect when they find her let alone know if anything was going on but she was their best friend so they worried and hoped that she was okay.

After a while of searching, however, they heard a lot of noises coming from the forest a little beyond the city. The others ran to the noise and heard some familiar sounds. They looked at each other "Could that be?" Dawn asked, once they managed to find the source of the sounds, they looked beyond the trees and bushes to find not only Naomi and her newly evolved Chikorita but Paul as well.

Their eyes widen a bit "What the?" Ash asked, "What is Paul doing here?" Ash asked somewhat angrily, "Maybe he's here for his next gym badge like you?" Brock questioned, "But didn't he just leave?" Dawn asked, the others shrugged "Did Naomi's Chikorita evolve?" Ash asked, "looks like it" Brock said,

However, they weren't expecting for this to happen next. Once they saw Naomi and Paul finish battling, they saw Paul wrap his arms around her waist and push her against the big tree behind her and Naomi wrap her arms around his neck "Wait a minute...It can't be" Dawn whispered,

The boys were confused at first until they saw Naomi and Paul kissing. They gasped a bit "Are you kidding me?" Ash asked, "Woah how long has that been going on?" Brock asked crossing his arms a bit "Maybe this is why we shouldn't have looked for her" Dawn said with disappointment.

However, once they did finish kissing, they both looked to see both Paul and Naomi smiling and laughing "This can't be" Ash said, "We should probably go. We shouldn't disturb them" Brock said, Ash for some reason felt a bubble of anger creep up inside of him. He clenched his fists a bit "Why does she see in a guy like him?" Ash asked angrily, the others frowned not knowing what to think let alone say "AH I can't take it!" He shouted and appeared from the bushes freaking out everybody...who knows what'll happen next...

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