Chapter 10: You're Not That Bad

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(Naomi's Pov)

Once we got to Floaroma Town, I couldn't stop thinking about everything that's happened lately. I mean one minute me and Paul hated each other's guts but now because we got trapped by Team Rocket, I confessed everything to him, he kissed me twice so assuming we're together? He feels the same I really going to thank Team Rocket for this? Wow, that's a first for everything...never thought that would happen.

Huh, and here I thought my dumbass hormones were being whack and making me be attracted to the first guy I laid eyes one and that just so happened to be Paul. I didn't expect an asshole like him to like someone like me. It didn't seem real; I mean people like us don't usually fall in love let alone have people who love us...

So I wonder what changed? But it is, It's so real and now that it is, I have no idea what to do now or how to act...I mean assuming we can't be enemies anymore and throw names at one another...well shit...didn't think of how this was gonna play out...

Anyways after all that shit happened with Team Rocket, with Paul and my friends, we headed to a café to get some dinner because after what happened with all of that, we were all exhausted and starving. We had stopped by the Pokemon Center first to heal our pokemon to make sure they were okay from Team Rocket.

After that we headed to the nearest Café. When we got there, I sat by Paul as the others sat across from us. They of course still didn't ask questions nor notice that me and Paul were together...although he didn't exactly specify that we were together, he just kissed me to shut me up so I'm not sure...Arceus this is so embarrassing if not strange...

I just...ugh I don't know what to think anymore...How can a guy make me feel so confused about everything now...shit makes no sense...then again no one's really taught me about love or how to feel/what to think so who knows...maybe this is normal?

While being in my own head, Ash was talking about Gyms along with Paul which caused them to fight and bicker like always while Dawn and Brock being between them to get them to stop. No one even questioned why I was silent; I was just in my own head thinking about everything just happened...

I mean I told the guy I have a crush on everything about my past and what I do to myself. I told my friends about what I did and they didn't leave me, they don't treat me any differently nor hate me for what I did to myself...The only issue is stopping...I've been doing this for so long that it made me not feel...

But now that I have Paul and the others...I don't know if anything's changed...I mean sure I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder and heart for telling them the truth but it's not going to make the trauma just magically go away...that's not how this works. I doubt Paul will be the lovey dovey kind of guy so I don't know how he'll be able to help either...

Hell, I'm not sure how the others can help as well because it's not like they can tell me no, get rid of everything sharp or watch me 24/7 like a child...I've never had to deal with this before so I don't know what to do. I fear I'll mess it all up if I hurt myself...yet it's the only thing I know that gets rid of all the pain...This is gonna suck...oh man...

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