Chapter 3: Pokemon Breeder?

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*Note i'm not exactly sure this is how Pokemon breeding is in the anime because they don't like, show it AS much as i'd like so don't correct me on this on. I just made this up as I went so it is what it is* 

(Naomi's Pov) *THE SAME DAY*

As we were on our way to Oreburgh City, Ash was talking about winning his Gym Battle, Dawn was talking about winning her pokemon contest ribbon and I was hanging back with Brock as he was teaching me things about how to be a pokemon breeder.

I had some books and some research knowledge from my grandparents, but I don't know nearly as much as Brock does and he's been at this A LOT LONGER than I have so there's a lot I still need to learn. I had Chikorita in my arms who Brock was examining "You see each pokemon come in all different shapes and sizes just like humans do. Each pokemon also have many different abilities, heights, weight and stats. Since you got your Chikorita from your grandparents it's a little bigger than the average Chikorita" Brock mentioned as he picked up my pokemon and eyed her up and down.

Chikorita looked kinda sad that he said that which made me sigh and roll my eyes "Not like that Chikorita, he meant that you're stronger than other Chikorita" I said, Brock realized what he said which offended her by accident and chuckled nervously "that's right, a normal Chikorita is about 2'11 and your Chikorita is about 2 inches taller making it 3ft even and average Chikorita are 14 pounds but yours seems to be about 17ish which is again bigger but stronger as well, meaning your grandparents raised it very well" Brock mentioned,

I smiled a little and nodded as wrote all this down cause I know my stupid brain won't remember it all cause of my issues...thanks -_- "You hear that Chikorita? You are big and strong" I mentioned, "Chika, Chika!" She shouted playfully which made me and Brock smile a little "and because she's strong, she's also very friendly and the more you play, battle train and talk with your pokemon their friendship with you goes up" Brock said,

I nodded and thought for a moment "so how can you tell the same pokemon apart then if you have less knowledge?" I asked, Brock smiled "You examine them carefully. Read up on them and if you see any in the wild just examine its nature, habitat, how it walks, talks and how kind it is to people or other pokemon and from there, the knowledge should come right to you" Brock mentioned,

I smiled a little and nodded as I wrote all this down "So now I want you to try and figure out your other pokemon stats" Brock said, I nodded as I got out my Bonsly and held him in my arms "Hey boy how are ya?" I asked, "Bonsly, Bonsly" He cheered and smiled which made me giggle a little "Cutie pie. Okay hmm so from the looks of it you seem to be about 1'8 meaning you should be average. Your weight is maybe 30 pounds which also should be average. I would say your friendship is above average as well because you are just the sweetest and kindest pokemon ever" I said which made Bonsly giggle a little "Great job Naomi" Brock said,

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