Chapter 6: Crush On The Rival? No Way

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(Naomi's Pov) *SAME DAY*

After we all finished breakfast, we all cleaned up, got dressed, grabbed our things and headed back on the road. The sun was bright and warm and the breeze was nice and cool. I was wearing black ripped jeans with a black and red flannel.

My hair was up in a messy bun and I probably looked like shit so I didn't really give a fuck about how I looked right now...not like anyone or Paul is going to ever date my ugly and messed up ass...wait did I mention Paul again? DAMN I DID...god I hate him so much that I can't even fucking hate him...I hate that I like him...

I groaned and rolled my eyes a bit...I hate thinking about him...his stupid attitude, his stupid smirk, his dumb wit and strength...his cute face...fuck him...fuck Paul...damn he gets on my goddamn nerves...there's no point in liking him anyways...who would ever like a fucked-up girl like me anyways? I'll just die alone like I'm supposed to...

I sighed as I got out my phone and headphones and decided to blast some music to drown out my thoughts about everything. The others were talking about random shit as I was loosely walking behind them. I got lonely though so I decided to let out my Ampharos, Flabebe and Riolu because why not? I smirked as I got out my pokeballs and let them out.

They looked at me and smiled which made me do the same. Riolu hopped on my shoulders, as Ampharos walked next to me and Flabebe rode on his head. I giggled and smiled as Ampharos held my hand...he's such a little kid it's cute, he always loves holding onto my hand. I hummed slightly as me and my pokemon enjoyed each other's company.

After a while, we were all tired and hungry so we decided to set up camp for a while. We headed to a nearby grassy plains area with a little lake of water...I should really groom my Pokemon...been a few days since I've done so.

While Brock and Dawn set up the Lunch stuff, Ash was washing and playing with his pokemon. The others let out their pokemon as well which made me smile as I let mine out also. They looked at me and smiled "hey guys, I believe it is grooming time" I stated as I got out my rag and brush from my bag.

They cheered which made me smile and roll my eyes as I headed over to where Ash was "Hey Naomi" Ash greeted, I nodded as I dipped my rag in water "Okay guys, in a line" I commanded, they nodded and stood in a line. I went up and brushed my Chikorita then my Ampharos. I washed Bonsly, Sandile and Riolu and gently brushed Flabebe.

Once they were done, Brock's and Dawn pokemon ran up to me which made me smile and roll my eyes as I did the same to their pokemon "There we go. All nice and clean" I said with a tired sigh. They cheered which meant thank you which made me smile "go play" I said as they all went and chased each other around, trained or just took a long nap.

I smiled softly...they sure do make me that I have to lie about how I feel...I can't worry them...I just can't...I don't want anyone to be sad, worried or concerned because of me...I would hate to make anyone feel bad for a stupid reason that's my fault...

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