Chapter 12: I'll See Ya Around

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(Paul's Pov)

Well after spending an entire day with Naomi and her marry band of morons, let's just say they're only TOLERABLE because of Naomi. I woke up the next morning before everyone else and got some training in before my next Gym Badge that I'm totally going to win because why wouldn't I?

Anyways, once I got some training done, I went ahead and relaxed until the others woke up...well, should I say Naomi wake up because she's all I really care about...It's weird really...all these...feelings I feel towards her...It's something I've never felt before and I've come across so many other why is she so different? Interesting I'll say.

When she did wake up, we greeted one another before we asked each other how we this isn't getting awkward AT ALL. She had asked where I was taking her out tonight in which I told her dinner which sounded fine to the both of us but I can assume neither one of us had been on a date so I not only expected a lot of tension but awkwardness as well...ugh, I hate that shit.

Naomi had challenged me to a battle we were supposed to have the other day before we got interrupted. I told her she was on but then breakfast was done so we went ahead and ate before battling. Ash being the stupid little kid he is went on about how he was going to win his next gym badge so easily which really irked me because the moron has no clue how to battle and considering he lost to Roark on his first try? What the hell does he think he'll win the 2nd one? So pathetic I swear.

Of course Naomi had to put a stop to our fussing which made me smirk because what can I say? She's hot when she's angry. When we had finished breakfast, the others went on to do their thing while me and Naomi had our battle. It was such a super close finish, but like always Naomi ended up beating me which made such an intense feeling and compulsion come over me.

I dragged her back behind the pokemon center, pushed her against the wall and kissed her...I had no idea what came over but seeing her like that was She's hotter when she battles and win...I swear I couldn't get enough of her nor could I control myself around her...the things this girl makes me feel I swear...

After that intense kissing session, I rolled my eyes and walked away like nothing happened even though I'm sure it left the both of us pretty stunned...but damn did I enjoy that. After that, we all had packed up and got ready to head to Eterna City for my next gym badge. I walked behind Naomi's pathetic friends and walked closer to her. However, when looking at her she seemed dazed, lost in thought. I got kinda concerned because she didn't seem to happy and she was just really, really quiet...

I gently grabbed her hand and gave it a nice squeeze which seemed to have snapped her from her daze. She was confused for a moment and let out a shaky breath she didn't realize she was holding in. I was now confused as she didn't even realize we were already in Eterna City... 'What the hell just happened?' I thought. I asked if she wanted to talk about what was on her mind but she said maybe on our date she will...Interesting.

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