Chapter 3:

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A S P E N    W I L S O N
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Every math teacher I've ever had, they were evil.

So I was in the last class of the day-which happened to be math-and I was in the back once again, trying to understand the packet notes the substitute had told me I had to catch up on. The actual teacher wasn't here for some reason.

This class in particular was going to be my most annoying class, I knew it.


First off, I hated the subject. It was a mentally exhausting subject that I've never understood no matter how many hours I'd wasted studying.

Second thing, I was stuck in this class with April.

She was seated a few rows in front of me, a sleazy air headed jock next to her with his arm around her. It had to be the Hayden dude considering the fact that the two bullies from this morning were sitting right next to them.

That was one thing I couldn't understand. Why the fuck was she friends with her own bullies?

Whatever. It's none of my business.

I had been looking over trigonometric identities when the door to the classroom opened and in walked a short, brown haired woman. The class hushes and everyone straightens in their seat.

The substitute smiles before she waves goodbye to us and she slips out the door.

"I'll be taking attendance again because I know how many of you like to skip my class when you think I'm not here. And if you're not here and you're unexcused, then you'll be taking a zero for the quiz today."

I almost laugh at that because she was right. Earlier when I had came into the classroom, a lot of kids poked their heads inside and upon seeing a sub, they cheered before ditching.

"Aspen?" Upon hearing my name, I snap my head up and look at the teacher.

I slowly raise my hand. "Here."

There's an uncomfortable silence and the blatant staring the teacher is doing is making everyone else in the classroom look at me.

When she's finished staring, she turns her head to April. "Beckett, I didn't realize you had a twin."

The attention is now on her instead of me. She squirms in her seat, "Um, yeah, she just moved here from South Dakota."

A few whispers break out, most likely people wondering why a pair of twins were so far from each other and what was with the sudden change.

She turns around in her seat and we stare at each other, her green eyes uneasy and panicked compared  to my calm ones. I didn't care if they found out why. Actually, I kind of hoped they would. So they'd know how miserable my father and I were while April and my mother lived their best lives here.

"Ahem," the teacher clears her throat after what seems like an hour. I peel my eyes away from April and look back at the teacher's smiling face. "Well, it's nice to have you here Aspen. I'm Mrs. Hill. How about you stand up and tell us a bit about yourself?"

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