Chapter 27:

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A S P E N    W I L S O N
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I clutch my receipt tight in my hand as I munch on a Hershey chocolate bar. If a worker comes out right now and sees me in the aisles, chewing on a bar, I don't doubt they'd think I stole it.

I still didn't know where we were going, but Saint insisted that we stop at this small store. The bike we rode here was outside the store and I was in charge of watching it while Saint bought flowers.

The store was quiet for the most part and everyone who came left quickly. But the peace can only last for so long. My ears ring when the door of the shop flies open and the loud chatter of two guys diverts my attention from both Saint and the bike.

I chew slowly, watching them with curious eyes as they obnoxiously finish talking about who hooked up with who at some dude named Ivan's party. They were only a few meters away from where I was standing, so I could hear everything clearly.

I decide to mind my business after a few moments, going back to stare outside the window. I think it was about twenty minutes. I can't tell.

But their loud laughter draws my attention back to them after those few minutes.

"Yo, you think that dork is gay?" The taller one of the two asks the one with the basketball jersey.

"Wouldn't doubt it. I mean what the fuck kinda guy wears pink?" Basketball Jersey howls with laughter.

My eyebrows scrunched, I follow their gaze and find Saint, flipping through the pages of a book absentmindedly while the guy who was helping him handled his flowers.

It clicks then. These two idiots were talking about Saint. And not in a nice way either. Irritated, I chomp off the last bit of my chocolate. So what if he's wearing pink? He makes it look good. Actually, he makes it look better than I possibly could.

They're just jealous.

"The rings." Shorty continues. "If the pink didn't tell us, the rings definitely did. He's gay."

"Also skinny as shit, man. Where's the muscles, the manliness? You think he's hiding a girl's body under those baggy clothes?"

Shorty laughs like it's the funniest thing he's heard in his life. If I wasn't already pissed off, his laughter did it for me.

"We could probably squash him. Let's take a few photos and send them to the group chat. They're going to have a field day with this one."

And when I see Basketball Jersey actually pull out his phone and snap a picture of Saint, my anger skyrockets. I shove my wrapper down my front pocket and wall up to them. I tap the shoulder of the guy with the phone.

He turns around, his friend following as well. I don't say anything at first, just pull my phone out and open it. I could feel Shorty's pervert gaze on me but I ignore it until I open my camera app.

"Damn, girl, you want my number—?"

"Say cheese." I take a photo of both of them, purposefully putting the flash on so I could cause as much discomfort as I possibly could.

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