Chapter 30:

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"I can't believe I'm doing this."

Kesam looked like she was ready to fly out of her own car, squeezing the wheel so hard that her knuckles were starting to turn paler than her complexion already was.

"It's happening." I bite back a smile as she turns to shoot me a look. "It's just for awhile, dude. I promise you I'll be as fast as I can. You can do it."

She huffs and then nods her head determinedly. "I can do this. Just a while with the witch."

"She's not a witch." I snort, defending April as I opened the car door and got down.

"Yes she is!" Kesam insists, getting out of the car as well and scrambling to catch up with me. "During the Homecoming Parade, she ran her stupid boyfriend's car over one of my banners!"

I raise an eyebrow at that. "She was driving the car?"

"Uh, no, her boyfriend was. But she was in the car and when I yelled about it, all she did was sit there and act all smug and happy after her stupid boyfriend ruined my hard work! Fucking Hayden our of all people. She's dating that dumb hoe."

"So what'd you do to get revenge after?"

"I showered soda all over their car."

I laugh as I ring the doorbell to the Beckett house, my heart leaping up to my throat as I waited for someone to open the door.

It was Tuesday and nearly a week has passed from last Sunday when I had ran out of this stupid house after that conversation with my she-who-birthed me.

This Thursday was Thanksgiving so I had to come back despite wanting to avoid seeing Melissa for awhile longer. I only came back for April.

She was still being blackmailed and it bugged me to sleep at night knowing that she was helpless and I couldn't aid her in any way because she was just so freaking terrified of this person to tell me.

I was determined to figure things out.

The door is answered soon by none other than April, wearing a cute green sundress and her hair up in a fancy updo with green accessories holding it up. She even had this fancy light green eye makeup on.

I don't know why she's so dressed up, but she looks incredibly gorgeous. A sense of pride washes over me and I can't help the smile on my face as I look at her. Yup. Gorgeous.

"Aspen!" Her eyes grow wide once she sees me. "Oh my God, you're finally back."

"Yup," I confirm. "Unfortunately I couldn't camp out at Kesam's forever."

Kesam's mom was more than happy to have me in her house and she fed me all the time, treating me like another daughter. I also met Kesam's eleven-year-old brother and he taught me all about making the best paper airplanes while I was at their house.

She has a lovely family for the most part. It's when her father comes into the picture when the peace vanishes. The man was awfully controlling and a manipulative piece of shit.

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