Chapter 17:

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A S P E N    W I L S O N
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We figured it'd be better to sneak up to my room using my window instead of the front door.

One thing I learned from that is: an adrenaline pumped Kesam laughed at everything.

I was lifting her up from the window and the lady wouldn't stop cackling. She was losing her shit and I was struggling with helping her up because every few seconds, she would look at my face and then burst into giggles, her grip on my hands loosening from the sweat on our palms.

"I'm going to strangle you if you don't stop laughing." I scowl, holding onto her hands as tight as I could so she didn't slip. She seems very eager to die tonight.

"Ooh, kinky—" Cutting herself off and focusing on my expression, she bursts into laughter again.

Sighing, I shake my head before propping a leg up over the windowsill and heaving my entire body over so I could grab at her upper arms.

"Hey! That tickles!" She squeals as I tug her over with all my strength, tumbling backwards and landing on the hard floor with her on top of me.

I grunt as Kesam continues laughing on me. I was dying underneath her. "Get off me, fatass."

"I do have a fat ass don't I?" She smacks her butt and I laugh this time, shoving her off me and standing up as she erupts into another fit of giggles, rolling around on the ground like a maniac.

I look around my room to see that it was untouched, meaning that no one had come in. It was a surprise considering the herd of people who were in the house but I didn't question it. I walk over to lock the door and then shut my window.

When I turn around, Kesam is in my closet, humming a song under her breath as she flicks through the clothes on hangers.

I had an idea of what she was doing, so I drop down onto my knees and roll out my suitcase I shoved under the bed. This suitcase had a lot of my things in it; things that were questionable to why I had them which was the main reason why I kept it hidden.

I open the suitcase and sitting cross legged, I flip through the gadgets I have and thinking carefully, I ponder over which ones would best fit the situation at hand.

Those people in the alleyway—if they were really in the house right now and we were going to do this, we couldn't walk into their gathering unarmed. They looked like dangerous people and if it would be two of us against all of them, I'd make sure we had some weapons on our side along with our fists.

I pick out the self defense weapons I need and set them on my bed. I zip up my suitcase, shove it back under the bed, and scramble back up on my feet.

Turning around, Kesam had stripped down to her bra and underwear, trying to shimmy into a black leather miniskirt. She had gotten it up and turned around, looking at me with a grin on her face.

"I love this skirt. How do I look?"

I give her a thumbs up. "Absolutely flattering. You should wear skirts more often."

"Right?" She seems pleased, pulling a mesh see through blouse over her head. "I might just steal all your skirts then. You have a nice closet."

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