Chapter 25:

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A S P E N    W I L S O N
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"You have to color in between the lines!"

"Sorry I can't be perfect all the time, Wilson."

This little shit.

Saint was sitting across from me, his hair pushed back ridiculously in a red headband as he lay on his stomach, hunched over his part of the canvas and continuing to color crookedly. He may be a wonderful artist but his coloring skills weren't as extraordinary.

It was a pet peeve, I couldn't help it. Seeing people color out of the lines was a big ick and that was what all Saint seemed to be doing.

"I'm going to shove that marker of yours down your throat if you don't quit coloring like a kindergartner seeing crayons for the first time in their life."

"Oh, wow, I didn't know you were into murder like that," He hums sarcastically. "How sexy."

He continues coloring and I sigh dramatically, turning my neck to the camera that was recording us. "Mrs. Cook, you see what I'm dealing with?"

"Patience at its finest, Mrs Cook. She hasn't killed me yet. She deserves an A plus."

"You think you're funny, don't you?"

"I think I'm hilarious."

"A wall could make me laugh more."

Saint cracks a grin. "Well aren't you sweet."

I narrow my eyes at him but before I can respond, there's a knock on the door.

"Come in." Saint announces and a moment later, his parents open the door and poke their heads inside.

"You're hogging my daughter-in-law." Mr. Black protests, a blush immediately lighting up my cheeks as he glared at Saint. "I've come to steal her away."

"No, you have not." Mrs. Black rolls her eyes and turns to smile at us, "Sweethearts, are you hungry? Do you need anything? You've been at this thing for hours. You can take a break—"

"No!" Saint and I both say at the same time, startling Mrs. Black.

"We're going to get this done by tonight." I say confidently.

I wasn't hungry either. Mrs. Black already fed me two hours ago and forced Saint and I to eat dinner.

Saint nods in agreement. "We're not moving until it's all colored in. We can do it."

Mr. Black snorts, "Teenagers nowadays. Willingly being productive and messy. Call me when you need rides to the hospital for your broken backs, kids. I'll be going back to my chips and TV now."

He laughs heartily, shaking his head as he left the room. Mrs. Black was rolling her eyes.

"Don't listen to that lazy man. Continue being wonderful, sweethearts. You're both doing great, but Saint, honey, try to color in between the lines."

"Yes! Thank you!" I yell out in victory. "That's what I've been saying!"

"It's not even that bad." Saint grumbles.

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