Chapter 47:

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A S P E N    W I L S O N
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I'm pissed the fuck off when I finally regain consciousness. It's been like ten minutes since I woke up and the one emotion prominent in my body was anger.

I just got fucking kidnapped on Christmas Eve.

As if that wasn't bad enough, my gifts and cat are on the opposite side of the small room where I am, spilled everywhere and my kitty awake and loudly meowing. He sounds angry as well.

"Hey!" I scream, fighting against my tightly bound wrists tied to the chair I was strapped onto. "You crazy motherfucker! This is not Christmas spirit! Fucking bitch ass—I knew there was a reason God made me take out your stupid tooth in middle school! I take my apology back, you can suck it—"

"Don't make me duck tape your mouth, sweetie."

Sweetie? Gag.

I recoil when he walks into the room proudly, a disgusting smile on his face as he stared at me.

"What the fuck?" My eyebrows furrow. "Julian, what the hell is this? What do you want from me?"He walks closer and I screech. "Don't fucking come near me! Talk from there, you walking disease."

"Shut up." He barks. "I'll come to you however I like. You're mine. That stupid Saint character, you don't belong to him. You made me angry, you know that? How dare you date him? We were supposed to get married!" He shouts, slapping the brick wall and his angry expression makes me flinch.

"Are you—are you stupid?" I breathe, shocked out of my mind. "You—me, what? I belong to no one but myself and who do you think you are telling me who to date and marry? You're fucking crazy!"

That earns me a slap to the face. It stings, hard, and this slap actually brings tears to my eyes. It hurt more than when Levi slapped me.

"It's okay," he smiles at me as if he didn't just strike me across the face. "You're going to learn. You're going to love me just like I love you."

I snort. "Hey, mister delusional? Hate to break it to you, but that isn't gonna happen in a lifetime. I may not belong to anyone but my heart belongs to Saint motherfucking Black and you, my friend, can suck my dick and fucking choke on it. How's that for love?"

I receive another slap to the face, this time packed with strength and anger. My neck hurts as its forcefully swiveled to the left and I feel my teeth dig in and cut into my lip, a rush of blood flowing onto my tongue. I've got to stop.

"Look what you made me do, sweetie." His hand strokes my hair and revulsion spreads through me. I move my head to get it away from his touch, but his he wraps my hair into his fist and jerks my head up to look at him. His grin is sinister, cruel. "You're gonna behave for me, right? I want to treat you like the princess you are. You have a lot to learn."

Two can play the manipulation game.

"Bruh, how are you trying to get me to love you when you're slapping me up and down like some fucking rag doll?" I deadpan, rolling my eyes. "A good boyfriend or husband or whatever doesn't hit his significant other. You have a lot to learn."

He frowns, then looks down at my lip. "I guess you're right..."

I smile, widely, "Now you wanna apologize and get your sausage fingers out of my damn fucking hair and maybe I'll think about loving you?"

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