Chapter 5:

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I love my Aunt.

This morning, an envelope came for me. And inside that envelope was a lot of cash and my Aunt's letter about how awful she felt since she couldn't be my guardian and I was stuck with mother.

Anyways, I was particularly in a brighter mood this morning because of it. I wanted to spend the money on junk food and a new skateboard.

I also seriously need to find a job.

I was in my school uniform and heading downstairs for food because there was still a bit of time before the bus would come.

Before I could walk into the kitchen, I see something that makes me stop right where I am.

Mother was cooking food, a huge smile on her face as she did so and Levi was behind her, his arms around her waist while she cooked.

Besides them was April in her own uniform, helping mother cook some of the breakfast and they all occasionally laughed at something Levi said.

Their smiles reached their eyes and there was pure heartiness in their laughs. They were happy.

I think we were like that once.

"Damn it, Owen!"

April and I laugh as Dad runs around the kitchen with a towel, trying to put out the fire he had caused.

How he managed to make a fire from a simple chicken meal was beyond me, but with Dad's cooking skills it wasn't a surprise to anyone.

"Girls!" Dad squeals, turning to us. "Help me out here, I'm dying!"

"I thought I told you not to enter my kitchen!" Mom screams as she grabs the fire extinguisher and sprays it all over the stove.

April nudges me with her elbow, leaning close to whisper, "He's going to use one of us as an excuse, just watch."

On cue, Dad defensively answers, "Aspen was hungry!"

April and I exchange a look before bursting into a fit of laughter again. It never gets old.

"Girls, hush!" Mom glares at us before turning to Dad, her hands on her hips. "Listen, Owen. I love you with everything in me but I see you in my kitchen unsupervised again, I'll beat you to death."

"Unsupervised?" Dad looks offended as he crosses his arms and pouts. "I am not a child."

"Yes, you are." Mom, April, and I chorus.

This time, we all laugh together, even Dad as he chases me and April around the kitchen.

I try to swallow but my throat feels like someone has lodged something down there and I struggle to breathe as I watch the scene in front of me.

It felt the same, but minus me and Dad with an addition of a two legged snake.

"Oh, you're awake."

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