Chapter 35:

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A S P E N    W I L S O N
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TW: Drug addiction/ sexual assault.

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Fuck. My head hurts.

I lift my head from my hands at the sound of my phone vibrating, feeling dizzy when I manage to sit up. I'd been in that position far too long, and the blood all rushed downwards, making my entire head ache in pain. It's a bad idea to cry while bent over, people. I don't recommend it.

Gazing down at my phone, I see Kesam's caller ID and for the first time in the past shitty five hours, a smile gathers on my lips.

Standing up, I quietly move towards the door, not wanting to wake up Saint. I'd rehearsed what I would say when he woke up, but I don't think I was ready to start that off by me waking him up.

Closing the door behind me, I answer Kesam's call. Her yawn makes it's way to my ears first, informing me that she'd just gotten up.

"What had you calling me at four AM, woman? I'm pretty sure humans are supposed to be asleep at that time, which is why I didn't answer. What's up?"

I look down at my fingers, remembering why I'd called her. It was for a stupid reason, but I needed to know because I was tired.

"I hate how many secrets this fucking city has, how many secrets everyone I seem to come across or like has." I pause, sighing. "I hate it all."

She doesn't say anything, the sound of rummaging and ruffling speaking instead.

"I'm looking for my keys right now, tell me where you are and I'll get you in a few minutes, I think I can get there in ten, and then we can talk about who we need to beat—"

"I'm okay, Kesam." I interrupt her, a humorless laugh clawing up my throat. "I just need you to tell me if you have any huge secret that will affect me in any way. So I can mope about secrets one last time."

"Hmm, well, I recently discovered that pussy appeals to me far more than dick does, so I think my sexuality might be shifting from bisexual to full on sexy lesbian." She laughs. "That's my secret."

"Thank you for sharing that with me." I smile. "I don't think I'll be able to make it to school or work today. Can you talk to Khun Arpa for me? Tell Johnny and Aliyah I'm sorry too. I know they wanted to show me their new recipe but I'm far too sleep deprived and they don't deserve a half-assed audience response."

"I've got you, babe. You text me if you want to talk about what's going on or you want to just go out and do shit, alright? I'll skip class for you if need to be."

"You're president of the student body, Kesam. You can't always be skipping." Her offer melts my heart though. "But hey, going back to what you said, I know a girl you could get your sexy lesbian on with. She happens to be named after a month—"

"Fuck you. Goodbye."

I laugh when the call goes dead, my head hurting as I did so. Looking down at Kesam's caller ID picture of her flicking the camera, I grin. I was truly blessed to have her in my life. I loved her so much.

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