Chapter 15:

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Saint tugs me along until we're outside in front of the parking lot and when he lets go I can finally form coherent sentences. We stand in front of each other, the wind picking up and blowing wildly.

Yes, I do.

His voice words from earlier wouldn't leave my head and I was hell bent on asking what that was all about back there.

"Oi, angel, have you lost it?" I make a circular sign by my temple, indicating he was going cuckoo.

"No, I'm perfectly sane." He looks at me like I'm the weird one here.

He couldn't be serious. After saying that he likes me—wait. Maybe I'm just thinking too much into it.

He could've just meant he liked me as a friend.

"You just—" I blow out a frustrated breath— "back there, with Hayden. You meant you like me as a friend, right?"

He stays silent for only a second before raising his eyebrow. "And if that's not what I meant?"

The silence that falls between us has me praying for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. Saint's presence had never made me uneasy but for the first time, I was nervous and looking at him felt like a death sentence for my racing heart.

I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand as I narrow my eyes at the all too relaxed boy in front of me, his confidence driving my nerves up the wall.

He had to be joking right now.

He has a look on his face that said he was doing anything other than joking, but I decide to wave it off. The guy was hard to read and I was probably just overthinking everything.

I let out an awkward laugh, slapping his arm while fixing my backpack strap. "Okay, funny joke, dude. You almost had me there."

Saving myself from any further strain on my sanity, I move to walk away quickly and past Saint, but he pulls my arm back, then placing his other hand around my waist and pulling me close to him.

"What are you—!" I stop mid protest to hold my breath when Saint had decided to move his face way too close to mine, our noses merely inches apart as his brown eyes sparkled with mischief.

"I like you, Aspen Wilson." He says with the utmost sincerity, smiling brightly.

"What is wrong with you?" I blurt, completely horrified.

He chuckles, amused. "I'll see you next week, Wilson. Try not to think of me so much." He flicks me on the nose before finally letting me go to walk away.

I stare at Saint's back until I can't see him anymore and he drives away in a black car.

No freaking way that just happened.

I blink like crazy as I drag my feet to Roberta, scoffing at the thought of having a boy like me.

Honestly, that's suspicious. What does a guy like Saint got to gain from liking someone like me?

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