Chapter 37:

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A S P E N    W I L S O N
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Maybe coming alone was a bad idea.

As I look around the creepy area, I see quite a few people standing around in groups, rough-playing and chattering loudly or quietly smoking while watching other groups. It's mostly men I see, but there are a few women here and there.

Nathan mentioned that this was an area that felons and like gang-members hung out, so it's fair to say I'm a little bit terrified.

"I'm okay." I whisper to myself as I take a step forward, clutching my Rubik's cube tightly. "It'll be fine. You can do this, woman."

Murmuring words of encouragement under my breath, I stroll forward, ignoring the gazes of the the people who were slowly quieting down.

No one stops me as I walk further though. And I know the reason why is because I was imitating April again. I had suspected that April came around here before and so I was wearing my hair up once again and had a baseball cap on for additional support.

I walk towards the murky brown warehouse, the one that was the most similar to the one in the photos April has. It was ugly and looked completely run down and the aura it was emitting was eerie as shit.

Lucky for me, in order to get to that warehouse, I have to make this weird crooked turn that shields me away from the dark gazes of the felons who were now all too consumed in watching me. I can get away from their intrusive eyes if I walk forward just a bit more.

My mind flickers over to Saint for a few moments and when the image of his peaceful sleeping face forms in my brain, my thudding heartbeat calms down a bit and I smile down at the cube in my hand.

I'd kept it ever since that day at the station. It reminded me of him, and moreover, it helped calm me down the same way his presence calmed me down. Even though initially he gave me the cube to distract me, I really couldn't solve a Rubik's cube to save my life.

Okay, back on track.

Adjusting my baseball cap, I duck my head as I inch closer to the godawful warehouse. The door was bolted shut from the outside and I could see serval chains adorning it which told me you needed a key to access the inside. Fucks sake.

I remember the look on my sister's face, the crude way she'd been posed as pictures were taken of her, and the fact that some person had all of that inside this warehouse and was using it against her.

A sudden rush of anger sours through my veins and that prompts me to walk around the back of the warehouse, looking for a different entry instead. I'm not leaving here without getting something, anything, that will help me find the fucker tormenting my sister.

I move around carefully, trying to avoid the debris and other questionable items scattered on the ground. The place was pretty run down and old and I swear I could even smell rotting flesh. Ew.

It takes me a while to scour the area for a different entry. While the warehouse did look shabby, all the million windows and doors I came across were bolted shut. It was clear the person who owned this didn't want anyone getting inside of it which only made me more adamant to find my way in.

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