Chapter 23:

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I sigh, putting down my plate and rolling my eyes as Levi and Melissa step into the living room.

Levi was rolling their suitcases in while Melissa had like five giftbags in her hand. She looks between April and I on the couch, her eyebrows flying up to her hairline in obvious shock.

She then smiles widely. "We bought gifts!"

Anddd, Aspen out.

I snort, slowly lifting the blanket off me. "I believe this is a family reunion kinda thing, so I'll just excuse myself now."

"Aspen," The female parental unit frowns. "I bought you gifts too. Please. Stay."

Hell no.

Just seeing them bought a sour, bitter taste to my mouth. These past two weeks have been okay not having to see them. I could already feel a headache coming on, looking at them.

"You better have a receipt or something for that because I'm not interested in accepting gifts from you two." I stand up and stretch, getting ready to go.

"I see you still haven't gotten rid of that attitude of yours." Levi scowls at me.

I give him a once over. "And I see you still haven't put a trigger warning on that face of yours."

"Please, guys, it's been a long night." Melissa sighs, rubbing her temples.

"She's just so rude, Melissa!" Levi raises his voice. "We can't just let her get away with it!"

"Watch me." I grin, waving mockingly before turning around and starting to walk up the stairs.

I hear Levi mumble something, making me snort before jogging it the rest of the way upstairs. I head inside my room, locking the door behind me before I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

It's been a long night indeed.

Now, do I get up and make myself productive by showering and doing my skincare or do I just go to bed like the slug I am? Choices, choices, choices.

Before I can go on an internal debate, my phone goes off and I fish it out of my pocket to see that I had received a text from Kesam.

I quickly open it, rolling onto my stomach so I had easier access to my screen. She had responded to my earlier text from today, when I was with Max.

Kesam: Investigating April? Why, I thought we already figured out she outside doing drugs and stuff.

She's in trouble. I found out that she's being blackmailed and she completely refuses to tell me by who. Something feels very wrong and I need to get to the bottom of it.

Kesam: HAH! Bitch, you do care. But what the fuck, that is a bunch of bullshit. Omg. Alright, how can my gorgeous amazing self help?

I smile, shaking my head. Well, it's a team effort. You know the tatted guy we saw at the drug cult? He happens to be my friend, his name is Max. We're gonna use his help as well since he's in the drug cult himself.

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