Chapter 33:

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What the fuckity fuck?

It felt like only a second ago that I was walking away from a boy, hell bent on getting over my crush and going back to my normal routine of life.

Plan is definitely ruined because said boy happens to be kissing me right now and I'm standing here like an idiot with my eyes open like a bigger idiot.

I think deep down I want to kiss him back but my mind was nagging at me and I realize, this isn't right.

It doesn't feel right. And Hanna—oh hell no. Remembering everything, I push him away, my leg flying out and kicking him hard on his shin after.

"Fuck!" He yells out in pain, hopping on his good foot before looking up at me with a did-you-seriously-just-kick-me look on his face.

I glare at him.

"You're a fuckface of a player!" I yell angrily as I back away from him, shaking my head. "You were kissing Hanna just yesterday!"

Maybe I should kick him again. Right in the nuts.

"I'm not a player." He pushes a hand through his hair, looking away from me. "And Hanna...I didn't kiss her because I wanted to. I had to."

I pause, my anger dying down a notch once his words process. I feel my eyebrows furrow. "You had to? What does that mean?"

He bites down on his lip and looks around before looking back at me. "Don't freak out, okay?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you're some secret gangster or some sort of underworld assassin king."

He snorts. "Does that even exist?" I nod my head and he adds, "Gun violence scares me and I'm pretty sure gangsters or assassins deal with that a bunch."

Note to self: if he pisses you off, grab a gun.

"So what is it you're hiding then?"

The tension from earlier returns, hanging onto the air between us like a pesky fly. I don't break eye-contact, hoping it came across to him that I meant serious business.

There's a long silence and neither of us say anything. It feels like forever and my legs actually start to ache from the stillness of my body.

"Alright." He finally says, nodding his head. "If I tell you have to understand that what I feel for you won't change or isn't—"

My phone starts ringing, interrupting him. Wow, great timing. Rolling my eyes, I pull it out from my purse and see that it's the alarm I set up for 11:45.

Oh shit. I spent too much time here.

I needed to be on my way. But I also needed to hear this. The suspense and secrets and shit has been going on for too long. But then again I was at this stupid Thanksgiving party for a reason, and I needed to finish my mission. Ugh. Decisions.

This alarm was the time where Kesam, Max, and I agreed to come back together and meet up to talk about how things went. Kesam wasn't at the actual party. She was in her car a few blocks away, monitoring April's phone that she hacked into.

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