Chapter 73 Warmth

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3rd POV

Tenma and the others shortly returned from France and Kirino ended up being the one mixi max with Jeanne d'Arc. Another day of training had start...

Kurama: "Come on, don't tell me you're done already!"

Shirabe, Kirara, and Miria watched as Shinsuke practiced.

Shirabe: "Today... Shinsuke-san is trying really hard isn't he?"

Kirara: "Yeah..."

Miria: "Shinsuke-kun..."

After a few more practice shots, Sangoku walked up to Shinsuke and told him some encouraging words that seemed to cheer him up.

???: "Tenma!"

Tenma: ?

Suddenly along with the sudden voice a ball shot towards Tenma, though panicked Tenma kicked it back.

Tenma: !

The person who caught the ball landed smiling.

Taiyou: "It sure feels great to kick the ball!"

Kirara: "Ah..."

Tenma: "Taiyou!"

Everyone started crowding around at Taiyou. Taiyou smiled at all of them until he spotted Kirara. He smiled brightly at her.

Kirara: !

Tenma: "Long time no see! Are you back in good health?"

Taiyou: "Yeah, completely!"

Tenma: "That's great!"

Kinako: "Hiya! It's been awhile!"

Hisame: "It's good to see you again."

Taiyou: "Yeah."

Shinsuke: "Eh? You three know each other?"

Shinsuke looked between the three of them. After Tenma introduced Fei to Taiyou, Taiyou told them that he heard everything from Gouenji and that he wanted to join them.

Tenma, of course said yes and they shortly started playing again. Shirabe and Kirara watched from the sidelines as they played.

Shirabe: "Amemiya-san is good as always."

Kirara: "....."

Miria: "Kirara-chan...?"

Kirara: "....."

Miria: "She isn't answering..."

Miria and Shirabe looked at each other worried while Kirara seemed to be looking at Taiyou sadly. Soon Gouenji appeared with the team's next artifact explaining that we would be heading to Three Kingdoms Era, with Hayami explaining what it was like in that era.

Daisuke: "Now then, I'll announce the members for this time jump. The four managers and... Matsukaze. Fei. Shindou. Tsurugi. Nishiki. Kirino. Kurama. Kariya. Nanobana. Shirogane. Amemiya and Nishizono."

Kirara: !

Daisuke: "That is all."

Miria: "Wow... that's great, Kirara-chan! You get to join the others!"

Miria smiled brightly but Shirabe looked at her best friend worried.

Kirara: "Yeah..."

As Hayami complained about not being picked to go, Shirabe went up to Kirara who was standing alone.

Shirabe: "Kiri-chan..."

Kirara: "Ah... Shirabe, what is it?"

Shirabe: "You okay...?"

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