Chapter 21 Hospital Visits

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Kirara POV

I smiled to the team below me.

Hayami: "A-Ah....! They're here! They're here to get us!"

I went down the hill and look at Hayami with a confused face.

"Hm? Get you? For what?"

Everyone: "Eh?"

Hayami: "Y-You're not here to punish us?"

"Huh? Punish? Ahaha! Why would I do that?"

Tenma: "Kirara-san...."

I smile to Tenma and walked up to him.

"Hey, Tenma-kun."

Tenma: "Y-Yes?"

"Can I call you Ten-Ten?"

Tenma: "Huh? T-Ten-Ten?"

"Yeah! Sounds cute doesn't it?"

Shinsuke: "Cute huh?"

"Okay then, since you're not saying anything I'm calling you Ten-Ten from now on!"

Tenma: "O-Okay?"

Shindou: "So, what are you here for exactly?"

"Hm? Oh come on Takuto-kun don't give me that angry face!"

Shindou: "... I've always wondered but why do you call people by their first names or give them nicknames?"

"Huh? Do you not like it?"

Shindou: "I don't."

"Aw! That's a shame but I'm still calling you Takuto-kun! Anyway why you ask? Why that's easy! Because I hate formalities of course!"

Shinsuke: "You hate formalities...?"

"Yup and as you can tell I'm not exactly Japanese. Um... I think I'm half? Anyway! I grew up using first names instead of last names so!"

Everyone: *sweatdrop*

"Hm? Where's that girl?"

Kirino: "Girl?"

"Yeah, um what was her name again.... ah! Kono Mirai! She's in your team right?"

Tenma: "You know Mirai?"

"Well no but I saw your last match! That girl caught my eye! Is she doing something?"

Tenma: "Well she said she couldn't come to practice today..."

"Aw that's too bad, well I'd love to stay and chat but I've got places to be. I was just going to drop by and introduce myself anyway!"

I ran back up the hill and waved goodbye.

"Bye bye, Raimon, Ten-Ten!"

Tenma: "Ten-Ten..."

I heard them talking as I started walking away.

Hm~ what good friends. I guess I can leave Kyousuke with them for now.

"Ah~ I guess I could visit Tai-kun today. It's been so busy lately, I wonder how many times he's tried to sneak out haha!"

So I went to the hospital.

*Knock Knock*

Taiyou: "The door's open."

I opened the door and gave a big smile.

"Yo! Tai-kun! It's been while!"

Taiyou: "Ah! Kirara!"

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