Chapter 36 New Member!

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Shirabe POV

A while before we were about to head back I went to a dark hallway.

"Now this is a problem."

Kirara: "Yup~"

"What should we do?"

Kirara: "Nothing? Ishido-sama hasn't given an order."

"Yes..." !

Kirara: "Shirabe?"

I fell to the floor on my knees.

Kirara: "Shirabe!"

Kiri-chan's voice sounded far away.

???: ".... YOu sHoUld HavE NeVer beEn BoRn."

Kirara: "Shirabe, Shirabe!"


Kirara: "It's all right..."

Kirara hugged me tightly.

Kirara: "Everything is fine."

".... W-Why.... Why couldn't I..."

Kirara said nothing but just hugged me tighter.


Mirai POV

Tenma: "I'm back, Sasuke."

Aki: "Welcome back."

Tenma: "I'm home!"

Aki: "Oh, is this a new friend? You must be Kariya Masaki-kun!"

Kariya: "Yes."

Aki: "Tenma's told me so much about you."

Tenma: "I thought we could all celebrate together our win today."

Aki: "I see. Well, come on in."

Kariya: "Excuse my intrusion."

When we all went inside I started heading to my own room.

Aoi: "Eh? Mirai-chan you aren't joining us?"

"... Ah, I'll join later..."

Shinsuke: "Okay then..."

The four of them went upstairs to Tenma's room.

Aki: "Mirai-chan..."

"... I'll stay till tomorrow."

Aki: "Eh?"

"Tomorrow will be the final day."

Aki: "... Okay."

I entered my room and closed the door. It was dark but the moonlight made it able to see. I dropped my bag and then went over to my desk. I opened the drawer. A magazine was in there. I took the magazine out.

".... What I remembered was..."


Shirabe POV

Kirara: "Are you sure, you're feeling better?"

"I am, so don't worry."

Kirara: "Okay then."

Endou: "What happened to you?"

Kirara and I stopped walking and quickly hid.

Kirara: *whisper* "Mamoru-san? What is he doing here?"

Endou: "Why are you doing this and taking soccer away from everyone? You ought to know more than anyone in the world how painful it feels not being able to play soccer! So why... Why are you administrating soccer?!"

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