Chapter 27 Awkward Times

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Shirabe POV

The next day I was watching Raimon practicing.

Kurumada: "Let's go, Tenma!"

Tenma: "Okay! Ugh!"

Amagi: "Here goes!"

Tenma: "Ugh!"

Kurumada: "Are you okay?"

Amagi: "Maybe you should take a break."

Tenma: "I'm fine. I can still go on. I feel something bubbling inside of me. It's like a power is bursting to come out as soon as possible."

Kurumada: "A power bursting to come out?"

Amagi: "It must be a hissatsu technique."

Tenma: "So, I think if I keep training more and more, that power will come out!"

A bubbling power? The way he's explaining makes it confusing.

I shake my head trying to stop a headache from coming.

Kurumada: "All right, come on!"

Tenma: "Okay!"

Then Matsukaze started running towards Kurumada-san.

Then Matsukaze started running towards Kurumada-san

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"Was that..."

Then Tsurugi approached Matsukaze.

Tsurugi: "Hey."

Tenma: "Eh?"

Tsurugi: "Looks like what you said about a power hiding inside you is true."

Tenma: "What's with this all of a sudden?"

Tsurugi: "Coach, can I partner with him this time?"

Tsurugi's probably trying to get that Avatar out of him. I should probably send this to Kiri-chan.

I took a few pictures of Matsukaze and Tsurugi practicing on my phone and then sent it to Kiri-chan's number.

Akane: "You're good at taking photos."

"Hm? Oh, thank-"

I paused and then there was a long silence until...


I screamed and jumped away from Yamana-san. Then I ended up falling down on the ground.


3rd POV

Everyone at the field turned their heads at the scream and looked up to see Shirabe and Akane. Akane worriedly kneeled down to her.

Kirino: "That girl...."

Shindou: "Isn't that..."

Mirai: "Shirabe!"

Shindou: "Eh?"

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