Chapter 6 Entrance Exam

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Mirai POV

That was so embarrassing!

I was walking back to class with Tenma, Shinsuke, Aoi, and Midori-san. But all of sudden everyone stopped and I ran into their backs because I wasn't paying attention.


When I look to see what they stopped for....

That's.... Tsurugi-san right?

Tenma suddenly went up to Tsurugi.

Aoi: "Tenma!"

Tenma: "I'm going to join the soccer club."

Tsurugi grinned.

Tsurugi: "Whatever you say."

Aoi: "Let's go, Tenma."

I followed behind Aoi.

Tenma: "Okay."

Tenma looked back at Tsurugi when he was walking away. Midori-san went up to Tenma and grabbed his shoulder.

Midori: "Don't worry about it."

Tenma: "O-Okay."

Then the bell started ringing.


Aoi: "Oh no! Hurry up, everyone!"

Midori: "Hehe, that's right, hurry along."

Then as soon as the bell rang for school to end...


I saw Tenma and Shinsuke smiled at each other and then they raced out the classroom.


I quickly packed my belongings and ran after them. When I caught up to them they were on the soccer field.

*pant pant*

Tenma: "Oh? Ah! Mirai! Are you trying out for the soccer club?!"

"Eh?! N-No! Is this what's happening?"

Shinsuke: "Yeah! We're gonna be soccer players!"

"That's good.... I mean! Tenma-san! Aki-nee said you were going to walk with me to school this morning! But you went and left without me!"

Tenma: "Eh? Ah! Sorry about that, Mirai...."

I pouted.

"You're not forgiven."

Tenma: "Eh?!"

Then a lot of people started coming.

Aoi: "Oh! Mirai-chan!"


Aoi: "Are you here join the soccer club too?"

I waved my hands in front of me.

"N-No! I was just telling Tenma-san something...."

Aoi: "I see. If want, do you want to watch the exam with us?"


Then a girl with chestnut hair, tied into two plaits came up from behind Aoi.

Akane: "Hello, my name is Akane Yamana. Nice to meet you..."

"Ah! My name is Mirai Kono, nice to meet you!"

Akane: "Hehe, you too Mirai-chan."

I sat down with Aoi and Akane and we watched as the exam started.

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