Chapter 13 Results

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Shirabe POV

When I walked to class I heard footsteps and stopped. Then hid. When the footstep passed I let out a sigh.


Then when I continue walking...


???: "Ah!"

I ran into someone and the two of us fell to the floor.

???: "Sorry! Wait..."

"It's okay... huh?"

I opened my eyes to see Shindou.

Shindou: "Ah you're... Shirabe-san, right?"

"Ah.... yes."

Shindou held out his hand and I grabbed it and he helped me up.

"It seems we keep bumping into each other, hehe."

Shindou: "Yes... ah, right I didn't introduce myself. My name is Shindou Takuto, nice to meet you again."

I already knew your name though.

I kept my smile on my face.

"Nice to meet you, Shindou-san."

Shindou: "Ah, your ribbon..."


Shindou: "You're a second-year?"

"Huh? Oh! Yes I am. Does that surprise you?"

Shindou: "Well a little, since I've never seen you around before."

"Ah... I just transferred this year, hehe."

Shindou: "Transferred as a second-year?"

"Yup! Anyway, Shindou-san see you around I've got to go to class now. Bye!"

Shindou: "Ah... bye!"

As soon as I got far enough I turned back.

He's not going to morning practice huh.

"How unfortunate."

Then after class...

Class is boring... I've already learned everything in it.

Tenma: "Are you really going to quit?"


I turned to the open door to the rooftop. Then I peeked behind the door to find Sangoku-senpai, Kirino, Shindou, Nishizono, and Matsukaze there.

Shinsuke: "Please don't!"

Tenma: "We watched the video for last year's finals. Otonashi-sensei told us that it was a real game. God's Baton and Fortissimo were so cool!"

Shindou: "...That's enough."

Kirino and Sangoku: !

Tenma: "If we work with Coach Endou, I just know that we'll get to play real soccer just like how you did in the finals!"

I tighten my fist.


Then I start walking away. 


I stomped my foot on the ground.

*pant pant*

"What does he know?!"

Mirai POV

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