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(*cough* Even though this is like a month away...)

Title: Tanabata Festival

(Also these scenes are actually really important in the story soooo :P ENJOY!)

Shirabe POV

Today, it's the Tanabata. Tonight the festival would be starting soon and...

"...Eh? Go together to the Tanabata Festival?"

Aoi: "Yeah! Everyone's planning on going! You should come too, Saegusa-senpai!"


I don't think I have anything to do today...

"Okay then."

The girls cheered.

Miria: "Alright! It's going to be so much fun!"

*At home*

...Should I wear a Yukata?

"...Ugh. Wearing a Yukata would be nice but..."


I don't know how to put it on...

I stared at the Yukata in my hands.



Mom: Done!

Young Shirabe: Wow! Pretty!

Mom: Right?

Young Shirabe: It's like magic!

Mom: Hehe, it's hard to put on a Yukata alone. But it can be fun too.

Young Shirabe: Mom! Teach me how to do it one day!

Mom: Of course I will.

Mom put her hands on my shoulders and turned me around to look in the mirror.

Mom: You look very pretty, Shirabe.

*Flashback end*

"... In the end, you still haven't taught yet, Mom."

I put the Yukata back in the drawer and closed it.

"Well, guess I'll just go in my normal clothes."

Then I started heading out the door.

"... Ittekimasu."

After a while I got a text.


You going to the Tanabata Festival? ( ̄ω ̄)

Yeah. The managers invited me, I think everyone in the club is going.... Somehow.

WHAT?! Everyone's going?! Even Kyousuke-kun?!

Yes. I think so. (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b

That's surprising. Maybe Miria is his weak spot.

Well what are you going to do?

I was planning on hanging out with Tai-kun! It's boring being in the hospital all day after all!

Nice as always. Maybe you should stop by to give him a tanzaku.

Hm... That's a good idea! Thanks Shirabe! Text you later! ヾ(☆▽☆)

Hehe, text you later.

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