Chapter 5 Wings?

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3rd POV

Tenma: "Hello!"

???: "Ah... Tenma-san!"

Tenma: "Oh, you already know me?"

???: "Yes, Aki-nee already told me."

Tenma: "I see. Oh, this is my friend Shinsuke Nishizono by the way!"

???: "I see, it's nice to meet you um... Nishizono-san?"

Shinsuke: "Shinsuke is fine! Um..."

Mirai: "Ah right, my name is.... Mirai Kono. Shinsuke-san."

Aki: "Mirai-chan here, is from America."

Tenma: "America, huh?"

Tenma gave a teasing look to Aki, she blushed and looked away.

Mirai: "Sorry if I mess up a lot."

Shinsuke: "Not at all! You're Japanese is really good!"

Mirai: "Oh good...Right! Aki-nee let me help with the groceries-"

But before Mirai could finish her sentence she slipped and fell flat on her face.

Aki: "M-Mirai-chan are you okay?!"

Mirai looked up at us and her eyes were spinning.

Mirai: "Y-Yes.... I'm sorry."

Mirai held her nose that became red when she fell.

Mirai POV

"I'm sorry...."

Aki: "It's alright, Mirai-chan."

I had my head low. Tenma and Shinsuke had gone upstairs in Tenma's room. I stayed and tried to help Aki-nee.

Aki: "By the way Mirai-chan."


Aki: "Why don't you call Tenma and Nishizono-kun without -san? You always do that, don't you?"

"Ah well...."

I look down.

"I shouldn't call them that till I can tell them the truth about me..."

Aki: "Mirai-chan..."

Aki-nee petted my head.

Aki: "Okay."

Then after we finished the cookies we went up to Tenma's room.

Aki: "You must be hungry. Go ahead!"

Shinsuke and Tenma: "Thanks for the food!"

Aki: "How was the induction ceremony? Were you nervous?"

Tenma: "I was! But a lot of awesome things happened this morning!"

Shinsuke: "Yeah, it was a real ruckus!"

They must be talking about the match they had.

I sweatdropped.

3rd POV (Back to after school time)

Shindou sighed at he walked home with Kirino.

Kirino: "You okay?"

Shindou: "Yeah, I'm fine."

Kirino: "I can't believe after all what's happened, those two still wanted to join the club."

Shindou: "Yeah well-"

But suddenly there was rustling.

Kirino: "What's that?"

Shindou: "It sounds like.... it's coming from-"

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