Chapter 2 Avatar

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Shirabe POV

Shindou: "They passed to each other in mid-air..."

Kirino: "And got to the goal in the blink of an eye!"

Kirara: "Of course they did. That should be expected."

Kirara shurgged.

Kirara: "But obviously they don't know something so simple."

*sigh* "What will they do I wonder? The flow of the game has changed."

Kakuma: The match resumes! Raimon goes without the leading point, so now what will they do?

Tsurugi immediately took the ball from Shindou.

Tsurugi: "Here it comes!"

Shindou: "Stop him!"

But Tsurugi was too fast, he passed all of them.

Tsurugi: "Death Sword!"

Sangoku: "Tch! You won't get the better of me! Burning Catch! G-Guh!"

Kurumada: "Sangoku!"

Tsurugi: "Hmph. I have my doubts about this school's reputation. This is pathetic."

Shindou: "Get a grip, guys!"

But it didn't end, the Black Knights kept getting more points from Raimon while at the same time hitting them with the ball.

Kakuma: What a disaster! Raimon is getting hit one-sidedly with goals!

Tenma: "Coach!"

Kirara and I looked down at where Tenma was going up to Coach Kudou.

Kirara: "Oh~ is he going to change the pace of things?"

Tenma: "Can't we do something? Coach!"

Kudou: "It's not the coach's job to "do something". It's the player's job."

Coach Kudou got up.

Tenma: "The player's?"

Kudou: "Matsukaze Tenma."

Tenma: "Yes sir?"

Kudou: "Put on one of the spare uniforms."

Tenma: "Eh?"

Kudou: "I thought you were a candidate to join the club?"

Tenma: "Yes sir, but..."

Kudou: "I'm testing you. Switch players! In place of Minamisawa Atsushi... is Matsukaze Tenma!"

Tenma: "Eh?.... EH?!"

Kirara: "Ahaha! Now things are getting fun!"

"Indeed. I wonder if his avatar will appear?"

I look up at the score. 10 - 0 with the Black Knights of course in the lead.

Kakuma: Oh, who's that wearing Raimon's uniform? It looks like a new member candidate! What are Coach Kudou's intentions behind this? The new player, Matsukaze Tenma, has entered the pitch! Just what does Coach Kudou have planned?

Tsurugi: "You again..."

Then the whistle blew and Tsurugi passed the ball.

Tenma: "I'm going to protect the soccer I love!"

Tsurugi: "Tch."

Tsurugi dodged Tenma and kick the ball to hit Kirino, then Kurama, and then Kosaka.

Tenma: "Damn it..."

Tsurugi: "Protect soccer?"

Then Tsurugi started hitting the rest of the team members too.

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