Chapter 46 First Person

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Shirabe POV

I finally returned back home and now returning back to school as well.

Miria: "Shirabe-chan!"


I look over to see the door to our classroom slide open and Miria waving at me.

"Miria-san...? Wah!"

Miria ran over to me and gave me a hug.

Miria: "You're finally back...! So many things happened when you left...!"


Miria: "Yeah... like everyone on the team got kidnapped!"


I quickly cover my mouth and look around at the staring faces.

"M-Maybe we should talk about this somewhere else..."

Miria: "Yeah..."

So we moved over to the rooftop and Miria explained what happened to them on God Eden.

Miria: "Sorry if it doesn't make sense..."

"No... it does but it's a lot to take in... all of that happened when I left..."

Thank God I didn't stay... that would have caused problems.

Miria: "So how was your vacation?"

"Oh... it was fine."

Miria: "... I'm sorry if I'm being noisy but... do you have bad family relationships?"


Miria: "It's just you are actually quite mysterious... no one really knows a lot about you... so I was wondering... ah! If you don't want too you don't have to tell me!"

"No... it's fine."

I can't believe I'm doing this...

"Well where to start? The relationship between my parents.... aren't the best. They had a fight and still aren't talking to each other but I don't think they hate each other..."

Miria: "You don't think they hate each other...? Then why haven't they talked?"

"In my eyes, they're probably waiting for one to apologize. That's how it always was. My father often apologized more though haha..."

Miria: "...Why your dad?"

"I guess cause he was weak against my mom whenever she would cry, it would be hard for him to keep up a good fight. But... this has to be their longest fight."

Miria: "Shirabe-chan..."

"I currently live with my dad, but he's never home. Always busy with work and sometimes doesn't even come home. I don't blame him though. As for my mother..."

I became quiet.

"...I don't think I'm ready for that yet..."

Miria: "No, I think you told me enough already. Thank you for sharing with me."

We smiled at each other.

*Next Day*

Sangoku: "Stop him, Amagi!"

Amagi: !

Kariya: "All right, I'm through!"

Kidou: "Amagi. Leave the grounds."

Amagi: "Sorry, let me try again!"

Kidou: "Go home for today."

Amagi: "Ah... Yes, sir..."

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