Chapter 56 Our Similar Pasts

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(Don't own the art above)

Miria POV

Today was the day of the finals. I was waiting for Tenma to come out.

Tenma: "I'm off!"


I turned my head to Tenma who was rushing outside.

Aki: "Tenma, you forgot your bag!"


Tenma: "Eh? Oh, shoot!"

I petted Sasuke one more time before standing up. Tenma soon came out.

Tenma: "We'll leaving! We'll win for sure! Sasuke, cheer for us too!"

Sasuke replied with a yawn.

Aki: "Come on you two. You'll be late if you don't hurry."

Tenma and Miria: "Yeah!"

Tenma: "Aki-nee, be sure to come cheer us too!"

Aki: "Of course!"

We both waved and starting leaving. Then when we got to the stadium...

It's so big...

Kakuma: The match between Raimon and Seidouzan is about to start!

Shirabe POV

I was at home watching the match.

Shōko: "You sure you don't want to go in person?"

"No, I... I don't think I'm ready."

Shōko: "Okay then..."

Mom sat down next to me and the match started.

*Timeskip to the end of the first half*

"They tied..."

Shōko: "It's quite exciting isn't it?"


It's true I was excited but... I felt anxious remembering what Kirara texted me yesterday.


It was right after the meeting with the Resistance.

*Beep Beep*

Shirabe: "Hm?"

I took out my phone and saw I got a text from Kirara.

Kiri-chan: Hey guess what! I get to play tomorrow's finals!

Shirabe: "What?!"

Me: What? But you aren't in Seidouzan...

Kiri-chan: Hehe... you'll see. Just wait till the finals.

Shirabe: "...I have a bad feeling about this."

*Flashback end*

Kiri-chan... what did you mean by that?

TV: What's this?!


I turned my attention to the TV

TV: "Amanomikado Stadium is changing shape before our very eyes! Hm? ...EH?! E-Excuse me! We have a change of players!"

Shōko: "Change of players?"

TV: "Seidouzan will be changing its coach and all of its players! This member change is under the Fifth Law that allows Fifth Sector to change the rules!"

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