Chapter 49 Real Sides

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3rd POV

After Shirabe and Kirara finished their song the crowd stood up quickly and cheered. However Shindou, Tsurugi, Tenma, Shinsuke, Miria, Aoi, Midori, Akane, Kirino, and Kurama were the only ones who stayed on their seats.

Everyone: "..."

Miria looked down at the two on stage.

Though Shirabe wasn't smiling she did look happy

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Though Shirabe wasn't smiling she did look happy. As time passed, the Karaoke Contest ended before everyone knew it.

Announcer: Now then! To announce the winners of the contest!

*Drum roll*

Announcer: It's the duet, Shirogane Kirara and Saegusa Shirabe! Amazing our first performers won! Now then if they would come back on stage... huh? Uh, where did they go?

Tsurugi and Kurama: !

Miria: "Wait the two of you...!"

Tsurugi and Kurama immediately left their seats and started heading out of the contest hall. Everyone else looked at each other before quickly running after them.

Shindou: "Kurama wait!"

Tenma: "Tsurugi...!"

The two stopped and turned around angrily.

Kurama: "Why?! We should question Saegusa about this!"

Tsurugi: "Yeah..."

Kirino: "Wait... let's think about this thoroughly."

Shinsuke: "That's right... we can't just assume..."

Kurama: "The two up there is enough evidence!"

Everyone: "....."

Miria: "...Do you really think that?"

Aoi: "Miria-chan?"

Miria: "Please... think carefully."

Tsurugi: "What do you mean?"

Miria: "...Maybe Shirabe-chan is keeping things secret from us. But..."

Miria put a hand on her arm.

Miria: "I've never seen Shirabe-chan like that."

Everyone: "Huh?"

Miria: "The look on her face... her smile... she looked like she was having the best time of her life. Kirara-san too..."

Kurama: "So?"

Miria: "...What I'm saying is, those two looked like normal girls up there."

Everyone: !

Miria: "Not the manager of our team, not a Seed.... just two normal simple girls who had so fun."

Everyone became quiet, not knowing what to say. Until...

Kirara: "Ah! I'm glad we got out of there quickly."

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