Chapter 1 Black Knights

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(Before reading this, please if you are new. Read Book 1 first! You'll understand this story more then!)

3rd POV

Soon enough some students started watching what was happening at the field.

Tsurugi: "If you can steal the ball from me, then it's your win."

Tenma: "Eh?"

Haruna: "Coach Kudou! Is it really okay to let them do this? ...Coach!"

Tenma: "If I steal the ball, I win."

Tsurugi: "Yeah. If you win, I'll let the soccer club continue. If you lose, then the soccer club's over." 

Haruna: "Chairman Kinzan! Please make them stop this!"

Kinzan: "No, I'll allow this contest."

Haruna: "Eh?"

Kinzan: "I've been feeling that the soccer club would be needing reform in the near future. They have no value in existing if they lose to a single new student."

???: *mumble* "Yeah a new student who's had special training..."

Kinzan: "What was your name again?"

Tenma: "Matsukaze Tenma."

Kinzan: "Matsukaze-kun. The fate of the soccer club lies with you. I'll let you handle this."

Tenma: "Eh?"

Kinzan: "Take care of it."

Tenma: "Eh?!"

Haruna: "Wait a moment! Are you serious about this?! Principal Fuyukai, say something!"

Fuyukai: *whisper* "Chairman, is this really okay?"

Kinzan: *whisper* "He's probably a spy sent in from Fifth Sector."

Fuyukai: *whisper* "Then would this be part of the Holy Emperor's plan?"

Kinzan: *whisper* "I assume the Holy Emperor has something in mind. It's best if we comply with them for now."

Then Fuyukai stepped away from Kinzan.

Kinzan: "This is my decision as the chairman."

Haruna: "Ch-Chairman?"

???: "They think this has something to do with the Holy Emperor."

???: "Wow~ As expect of Shirabe! You're hearing is as good as always!"

Shirabe: "Thank you Kiri-chan."

Tsurugi: "Then it's set."

Haruna: "Will you be okay, Tenma-kun?"

Tenma: "I've been practicing my dribbling by myself every day. I-I can do this."

Haruna: "Dribbling by yourself? That's it?"

Tenma nodded.

Tenma: "It's all right, it'll work out somehow. Okay!"

Everyone moved aside and watched the facedown between Tenma and Tsurugi.

Kirara: "Please something interesting happen."

Shirabe: "Kiri-chan...."

Tsurugi: "Now then.... Let's play soccer. Tenma-kun."

Tsurugi grinned and then Tenma tried to kick the ball but missed.

Tenma: "Huh? ...This time..."

Over and over Tenma tried and miss again and again.

Tsurugi: "I knew it."

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